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It might be for the best. ER is a dangerous place sometimes. Tell us more about the situation.
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Need more info: what's Grandpa's medical issue? Can Grandma call 911? Does Grandpa have cognitive issues? Etc.
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Are you able to give more info on the emergency? Does he have to go to the ER? Would Urgent Care at a clinic be better suited for his situation? How urgent is it? It is really hard to give advice without additional info.

However, I can tell you what I went through with my bedridden father, about 83 years old (?). My dad absolutely refused to go the clinic/ER/dentist. He was competent, very smart and very, very stubborn. (So smart, the hospital doctor thought my dad was a doctor, too! No, he's not a doctor.).... I called 911 against his wishes, begged the dispatcher to please send an ambulance despite my dad will refuse medical help. EMT arrived, asked dad questions - which he answered with flying colors. EMT spoke to me quietly explaining that my dad has the right to refuse medical assistance - even if I know he has pneumonia... I had to wait several weeks before he finally caved in to go to the ER.... It was a very nerve wracking time.
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Can you find a doctor who will make house calls?
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