
I don't know what to believe anymore. I haven't experienced anything yet, but I know many family and friends have. I do believe that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Is death a direct short to ground? or does life transform? I ask because my sister has seen a lot of unexplained things happen in her house. Yesterday, my sister told me a nightlight in her bedroom that hadn't worked in years suddenly came on (my mom passed recently). When my dad passed last year, the stereo in their living room was turned on during the night. My BIL's father always had a plastic tipped cigar in his mouth, I don't think he lit it, just liked to chew on it. My sister came home from church one sunday and there were several plastic tips from a cigar in a candy dish. I'd love to hear if any of you have had similar experiences. Peace.

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There's a great book you can read on this very subject; it's called Hello From Heaven! You can get it here (on eBay; the prices on Amazon were RIDICULOUS):

"Hello From Heaven! is the first complete study of an exciting new field of research called After-Death Communication, or ADC. This is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. During their seven years of research, the authors collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts from people who believe they have been contacted by a deceased loved one."

I've had a few visitations from my dad after he passed, one in a dream where he came to tell me he was fine, and to hold up a shiny penny for me while laughing. The penny had significance b/c right after he died, I kept finding pennies & dimes all over the place which I feel were direct signs from him (11s are signs from the angels 10s and 1s).

Anyway, I LOVED the book Hello from Heaven! as it's extremely uplifting and wonderful to read the stories from others who had these types of experiences.
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CTYankeeinOR Sep 2021
Thank you so much, I will check out the book. I take dreams seriously. My father's brother was killed in the Battle off Samar on the USS Samuel B Roberts (a tiny destroyer escort that took on the might of the Imperial Japanese navy). My grandmother claimed she had a dream he was calling out to her. With the differences in time zones, it may have been at the exact moment his ship was sunk in WWII. My dad erected a kind of shrine in their LR with pictures, medals, commendation letters and other memorabilia. I have all those artifacts in a box at my house. I need to hang them up in my LR. I had a dream a few weeks ago my dad was wrestling with me, might have been his way of saying "get off your butt and do it". Thanks again.
Not like ur sister but in dreams. My daughter had a dream about her deceased favorite Aunt. She was going thru a tough time and she said my sister came to her saying everything will be alright. At the same time, a favorite Aunt of mine came to me hugged me and said everything will be alright. I woke up and still felt the hug.

When I was small I woke up to a woman standing at my sisters bed. She motioned to me not to speak. She covered my sister up and kissed her cheek turned and went thru the outer wall. Years later I saw a picture of my grandmom who died at the age of 42 from cancer. She was 19 in the photo so about 1915. It was the lady I had seen. My sister passed from breast cancer at the age of 43. I have never seen my GM since.
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I’ve had several experiences over the years. Several involved family members, one an army buddy I was in Germany with. He was from Texas and when his mother sent him care packages she always included paper shell pecans. These are whole pecans in the shell. “C” would always share his pecans with me. His wife called me one day in February 2018 to tell me he passed away. Four days later I walked into my bedroom and on the dresser was a paper shell pecan!

Eleven months later I took my cell phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. Although my phone never rang, it showed I had two incoming calls from “C”. I kept those two notices on the phone and a year later the two calls disappeared and it showed I had placed two calls to him.
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This one experience involved one of my older brothers that passed away. We were sort of close and one day I was missing him, not being able to talk with him. “God, if possible, please let my brother contact me.”
Later that day I pulled my phone from my pocket to make a call. I was very surprised to see my phone was ready to call my brother! All l needed to do was to have hit dial. I don’t have speed dial on my phone. I had never deleted his number from my phone. It would have taken four different steps to call my brother on his phone. I’d say that was an answered prayer.
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