
Got a phone call tonight from my Aunt's facility. One of their employees tested positive for Covid.
It's not a huge surprise (facility is in a CA hot spot), but it's still worrisome!
I'm certain some of you have been through this.
What was the outcome? Was there a spread?

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I'd take it as a positive sign that the facility's policy is to share this information with residents' families. This shows that they do have a policy, which is a start, and have at least attempted to develop a strategy for containing and managing any outbreak.

The rest is rather in the lap of the Gods. I'm not sure you can infer anything useful at all from the news that an employee has tested positive.

What employee? - with what sort of contact with co-workers and with residents?
What sort of test?
Test done in what circumstances? - because the employee was ill, or as part of routine screening?

What else did the facility say? - I'd hope, for example, that they would direct you to information about what measures they have in place for containment.

Testing breaks down into two types: tests for antibodies, showing that a person has had contact with the disease and has had an immune reaction to it; and tests for the virus itself.

There have been discussions in the last couple of weeks about difficulties (there are many) with the virus test. False negatives shouldn't happen too often, because the testing centres will reject samples that just don't have enough biological material to work on and the patient will be asked to take another swab. False positives are a more difficult problem: because the test looks for the viral DNA, positive results can be obtained from people with long-dead fragments of cell still in their system who are no longer ill and no longer pose any kind of transmission risk.

I should concentrate on how your aunt is. Are you able to speak to her, remind me?
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My ex MIL is in a CCRC and is currently in the IL section. A few weeks ago, an employee (the driver who takes all and sundry to doc appointments, shopping, etc. tested positive. Everyone who had been with him in the precious week went on 14 day quarantine. No further spread.

Until there is a vaccine, social distancing, testing, contact tracing, masks and quarantine are the way to manage this virus.
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My Mama tested positive for covid19 in the Memory Care. It is a small 50 bed stand alone M.C. 37 residents tested positive. Most of them were like my Mama who only lost their interest in food and had a fever for a few days. The C.D.C. traced it back to a man who had man released back to the M.C. from the hospital. 7 passed away. It is scary when it hits close to home but it will be okay. They have crazy cleaning ramped up. The M.C. shares every other day what exactly is going on, how many are recovered, etc. They even show staff numbers of positive cases too. They have been cleared now for a month. Try not to stress and leave it in God's hands. Grace and Peace, Love, Boots
Helpful Answer (4)
MTL1974 Nov 2020
I just read your post today Bootshopgirl and it has brought hopeful tears to my eyes. My mother’s MC floor had 20 residents (my mother included) test positive for COVID last Tuesday. She was asymptomatic until today when she spiked a fever and wouldn’t eat (who would feel like eating when you feel horrible with a fever). The nurse gave her Tylenol and it has brought the fever down. I am beside myself with worry and fear. Terrified my phone is going to ring telling me that she has gotten much worse and is being sent to the hospital. This is so scary but good to read that some do alright.
thank you for your post.
My loved one's AL facility was stellar, and careful. They went without Covid until August.
Then, loved one went home on hospice, and just in time as the facility did have a Covid outbreak.

Some caregivers have brought their loved ones home if that can be done safely.
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While Dad was still at the MC facility a random CDC test found one staff member positive. They sent her home for 3 weeks & tested all tenants twice. No one else came up positive, but they tried to quit even allowing us to do window visits. I was furious and called our ombudsman. It was straightened out within 3 days. Dads facility would only let one tenant per table for meals and had them keep mainly to their rooms. Since most in his house of ten were elderly and HofH, they no longer even conversed. Talk about lonely! We pulled Dad out 10 weeks after lockdown occurred and there were only 3 left in his house. I believe social isolation took a much tougher toll-
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A case worker in a nursing home here lost all 7 of her patients to corona virus.

Another nursing home, one of the staff had corona and a resident. They recovered
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haileybug Sep 2020
Just recently read the nursing home had several staff and residents with the corona.
Mine was infected by a nonsymptomatic carrier at the end of March, acutely I’ll for three weeks, then tested positive for the next 3 months.

She lost 12 pounds but having had 4 socially distanced outdoor visits I think she’s about the same as she was before the lockdown.

There was a whole lot of talk about the millions and millions and millions of tests that were administered. If there were so many, I would have thought that vulnerable population caregivers should have been tested in the first line. They weren’t.

The unsuspecting carrier never had symptoms until 2 days after LO had hers.

I’m so SO GRATEFUL that she had exemplary care at her facility. There were losses and I’m glad that she was spared. None of us know if any lasting effects will emerge, but so grateful to be able to say “I love you” as our visits end.
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My mom’s AL facility sends daily reports. There have been 3 positives (2 staff & 1 resident in the nursing home side) since March, and each time entire facility (nursing home & AL) went on lockdown for 2weeks. They’re working really hard to care properly for our LO. I call mom daily. Yes, it’s taken it’s toll on her. I always ask if staff are treating her well and, unlike pre-Covid, she has no complaints. Grateful to talk to her every day even though she can’t handle much conversation.
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Yes! My MIL and FIL’s facility consists of individual houses with approx 10 residents per house. They had a case with a resident who had returned from rehab back in June. They quarantined her to her room and only 1 staff person became infected. Both had very mild cases. In Late August a staff member in MIL’s memory care house tested positive, but only symptom was a headache. She quarantined for 14 days and nobody else tested positive. They test staff regularly and only test residents if a staff member is positive since nobody else comes in/out. They’ve been very pro-active in this and very transparent.
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Yes, my mom tested positive We don’t know how she got it. She was under the weather and quarantined until she tested negative (about two weeks). She recovered and doesn’t remember being ill. It’s scary for sure. Sadly this is our new reality.
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