
My insane 92 year old mother yesterday told me that she thought that neither of us would survive having COVID this year and then suggested we commit suicide together since she can't do what she wants in the next year which is go on cruises. I have never given her any indication that I had any desire for any such thing. I think she's such a narcissist that her dying means I should die as well since why do I need to exist if she isn't around and she thinks it's unfair that I get to go on living if she's dead.

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Well, that would be a typical comment coming from a narcissist with another personality disorder to boot. Tell her there's no way on earth you're going to even consider doing such an abominable thing and that you're hurt & insulted to hear HER suggest it. Your life is precious, and fully independent of hers, thank God.

Hopefully the woman is NOT living in your home or vice versa. If so, get her into an ALF immediately. Surrounding yourself with such toxicity is very unhealthy and not necessary, either.

Sending you a big hug and a prayer for peace.
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I'm not sure you needed to explain that you had given your mother no encouragement to imagine that you'd welcome this idea.

Did you ask your mother what on earth she was thinking? I mean, specifically, what on earth she was thinking in mooting the idea of you, her child, taking your own life.

Even coming from a narcissist, this is quite bizarre. She does recognise that you are her child, does she? - she's not slipping in time and thinking you're her best friend from school, or anything like that?
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I see your profile indicates 2 decades of caring for a Mom with dementia. I think you can more or less chalk it up to this. Unless this subject comes up over again I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
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