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My mom was on Medicare and we are in TX (different states have different rules I believe) so I didn’t think I could for a long time and- I actually never did get paid - but I did later on this journey of caregiving, find that Meals on Wheels has a program (I also discovered they have more than just meals in the way of programs) will pay you - not a lot but something at least- if your income and situation meets the criteria. Ours did but even once qualified- the wait list here to take advantage of this program was about two years. I had to go through a screening with them over the phone and answer a lot of questions to qualify and get on the wait list. They contacted me after she passed when we finally came up but it was too late so I never did get paid for caring for her. However, I would at least get on the list if it is an option where you are. If I had known, I would have done so sooner. I think you have more option available beyond that if you are on Medicaid but since we weren’t, I didn’t research that.
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Here's a helpful article from the main page of this website:
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Does your mother have Medicare or Medicaid? If your mother needs long-term care, Medicare does not pay for this type of service. If your mother has Medicaid, there’s a chance that you can get paid through this program. If your mother has Medicaid, you can check with the agency that administer the care and see if they will hire you to care for your mother. Also, in my state, I have Medicare Advantage and they hire people to provide non-medical care for patients in their homes. This type of service includes housekeeping, cooking, grocery shopping, taking patients to their doctors’ appointments, etc.
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Dupedwife Oct 2023

In my state, the Medicare Advantage plan that I have does provide those services for the elderly like driving them to their doctors’ visits or they can hire Uber or Lyft to take them to their doctors’ visits, Also, they provide services like light housekeeping, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. They also have a program called Papa where they will pay someone to come in and sit and be a companion to the elderly for a few hours a day. Before the enrollment period, I had done my research on Google to see which medical insurance company offered the best plan that suited my needs and I found one which I love. I also researched through eHealth before I made my decision to select the plan that I have now. Apart from those benefits that I mentioned, they also offer many, many more perks like gym membership, eyeglasses coverage, dental, nutrition program, etc. Also, I get paid $25 to go to my well-care visit and I can use it at Starbucks, Panera Bread, etc. Plus they pay me to get a colonoscopy, my yearly mammogram, etc. Also, if someone has kidney disease, heart problems, etc., they give them $75 every three months to purchase fruits and vegetables. They also give me $70 every three months to purchase over-the-counter products like toothpaste, toothbrush, OTC medications, vitamins, walking cane, shower chair, etc. The perks are too many for me to mention here. Also, I pay $0 when I go to my PCP, and I do not have to pay a monthly premium.

Some people said they don’t like Medicare Advantage, but I love it. Some people complain that their doctors are not members and they have to select a new doctor but the Medicare Advantage plan that I have does have all the doctors listed. The good news is that anyone who has a Medicare Advantage plan and they do not like it they can switch back to Original Medicare during open enrollment period.
One more point is that family carers often spend a lot of time that wouldn’t count as ‘caring’. Caring needs might be assessed as 4 hours a day, or even a week, while you are there much more time.

My first reaction to your question was in fact ‘try prayer’. It’s as likely to work out as anything else.
Helpful Answer (2)
DrosieD Oct 2023
There does come a point where prayer just isn't enough.
Read the following (and website linked here):

In California, there are several programs that will pay family members to provide non-medical, hands-on assistance for a loved one. But, it’s important to realize that not everyone will be eligible to participate in these programs. For example, one’s income, veteran status, marital status, the value of their assets, whether or not they are currently employed, and the type of insurance they have can all impact their eligibility for paid caregiver programs. Another major factor is one’s blood relationship to the individual who requires care. Some programs only allow certain relatives to be paid and other programs prohibit certain family members from being compensated.

This article will describe the different programs available in California, how they work and briefly touch on their eligibility requirements.

This link is above: Use the Paid Caregiver Program Search Tool. The tool helps caregivers and care recipients find programs for which they are eligible simply by responding to a series of questions.

Re-search these organizations in your state.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (1)

And ...

Is income as a family caregiver taxable?
Yes, if the caregiver is a family member, there are special rules that may apply. Often Medicare and Social Security taxes are not required to be paid on wages for a caregiver who is a family member. The caregiver's wages would still be reported on Form W-2 and would be taxable income to the caregiver.

There is an immense amount of information on the internet.

Tips to help support your claim 

1. Keep detailed records. For example, create a log to show the dependent lived with you for at least half the year. 

2. Keep receipts and keep a written log of all related expenses. This record will ensure you don’t miss any allowable deductions, and it can serve as part of your documentation if you are audited. 

3. Be aware that adding a dependent makes that person part of your household, which could have implications in areas such as Medicaid eligibility or the cost of health insurance purchased through the Affordable Care Act marketplace. 

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (1)
DrosieD Oct 2023
I'm going to have to be looking into Memory Care for my LO soon. We have a living trust which will preserve our remaining assets which are in annuities. I'm getting ready to apply to the VA for Caregiver support. We file joint taxes still as we're both on SS and his military and VA pension. When he exhausts his SS entitlements once I have to place him would Medicaid step in? I'm in Nevada.
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Yes, you can be paid. Do you know that if you mom has Medicaid and she live in NY, she has the right to take for free a day care center and they can provide for free everything for her. They can send her to the doctor, they can follow up all her daily activity that you do for her. Please send me your email and I'll send you the detailed information
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Please seek out an Elder Law Attorney and take him/her up on the one hour free consultation.
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TheQueensKiddo Oct 2023
Here in TX the Elder Law Attorneys want $300 for their 1 hr consultation. Not free everywhere.
Hopiegirl: Perchance your mom does have the funds to pay you. See the AgingCare link that Geaton777 provided. Thank you, Geaton.
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That will depend on your state. Best option is make an appointment with a lawyer that handles elder law. If you can be "employed" as a caregiver for your family, get a contract made up. Make sure it spells out your duties, hours, salary/wage, and benefits. It might be easier to be "self-employed" or work as a "contractor" so you are responsible for filing and paying all of your own taxes.
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