
I’m am very interested in finding a good lawyer to help me with getting a guardianship revoked that my daughter has who lives in California and who hasn’t been involved with any of my health care for over 40 years I’m a Vietnam veteran who has been through a lot and my daughter doesn’t know me all she wants is my money.please give me some advice

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Can The VA Steer you to the right Lawyer ? There are Elder attorneys Look them up . You Can go on YELP and read reviews. have your Doctor write that you are Cognizant and Can make your own decisions . Sorry this Happened to you . Thank you for your service , Vietnam was a tough scene .
Helpful Answer (4)
fluffy1966 Mar 1, 2024
Definitely, the VA closest to Gunny will have a Social Worker Dept which can help unravel the particulars of Gunny's case. My guess is that a different daughter (other than California daughter with Guardianship) has assisted Gunny in his profile. "Other child" can take her Dad to the VA to speak with a Social Worker who can then explain the legal questions that are posed here. Perhaps with the depression, Diabetes, and both hearing and vision loss, Gunny might be best served in a VA Facility where lots of help could be had. My Uncle was helped greatly in a VA Facility, and the staff were wonderful to him.
Gunny, you were here before asking us how you could stop your daughter trying to assume your care.
NOW you tell us that she has guardianship over you.
In order for someone to get guardianship over you, you would have had opportunity to appear in court in your own behalf, with testimony of your own or court appointed doctors. WAS THAT DONE?
It appears your daughter had enough proof and testimony to get guardianship over you.
In the United States that is difficult to do because courts are loathe to take a citizen's rights from him or her. VERY!

The only way now to get guardianship removed is to get an attorney.
Because your daughter will now have control of your doctors, who you see and when, your finances and everything else, this is difficult to make happen.

Are you in care? You can discuss with the administration a way to see an attorney.
You may save up any allowance in order to go on your own to an attorney.
But do know that for an attorney to take on a case for someone no longer in control of his own finances and/or medical care will be terribly difficult.

Are you currently in care, Gunny? Can you tell us a bit about what WRONGDOING you believe your daughter is involved in? There is a REASON she became your guardian. As perfect strangers we can't have a clue.

Best out to you.
Helpful Answer (6)

You have been asking this same question since Nov 2023. Three x in December. Not sure what you think a forum of Caregivers living all over the US can do for a Vet living in NJ. In a town that should have lots of resourses and lawyers. You aren't far from Cherry Hill and Philly. Yes, I live in South Jersey too. My County has a VA office I am sure your County does too. Your also not far from Trenton. I am sure you have an Office of Aging nearby.

For your Daughter to get guardianship she has to petition in the County Court u live in using a NJ lawyer. You are made aware of the Court date so you, your lawyer or both can be there to contest it. A Judge does not OK guardianship without having proof from Doctors that ur not competent to handle your own affairs. Once daughter received guardianship she has to show the Court every year how your money is being spent.

I am sorry, but we as a forum cannot help you. Seems u can use a computer, look up lawyers in the Voorhees/Cherry Hill area. I bet therecare hundreds.
Helpful Answer (4)
lealonnie1 Feb 20, 2024
Looks like the daughter set up this profile for her father!

Go to this link provided by Agingcare and punch in your location info. Elder Care attorneys will appear and you can call them for guidance.
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You say your own daughter doesn't even know you. Why would that be? She's clearly an adult now if she's your guardian, so there was an entire lifetime to know her. That's on you my friend. Not her.

Secondly, why would she even have guardianship of you? Either you did legal paperwork naming her as your guardian/conservator or the state appointed her.

If the first answer fits your story go to the same lawyer who made the documents where you named her your guardian and have her name removed.

If the second answer fits your story and the state appointed her, you cannot have her removed. The state would have to remove her and they only do that if she is not taking care of your business appropriately and acting in your best interests. This would have to be proven to the state in court.

You not liking how she may be administering your funds or making your legal decisions does not mean that she is not acting in your best interests and making proper decisions for you.

Of course you can speak to a lawyer but unless you can pay one yourself which is unlikely because your daughter surely handles your finances as well, you're not going to get anywhere.
Helpful Answer (3)

This question has been asked pretty much in the same form 7x. Replies in each post have recommended you get a lawyer in your area that this forum cannot help you. You also do not answer any of the questions asked. There are 2 more postings after this one.

Please stop posting, we cannot give you the information ur asking for.
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I am very concerned about your post, Gunny. I want all our Veterans to receive the very best of care. Did another of your children create this profile for you? That is my "guess" only, as your profile says "Caring for my father who is in Independent Living with depression, Diabetes, hearing loss, and vision loss". So, to whomever created your Profile (son or daughter): Please take your father with you to the VA Medical Facility nearest your home. Ask to speak to a Social Worker, as each VA Facility has a Social Work Dept. Take medical records with you. You can explain to the Social Worker that your father wants to revoke his California daughter's Guardianship. It's possible that the California daughter only has "Powers of Attorney for Person and Medical". This would be a lot easier to change, than revoking a Guardianship. Explain your Veteran father's situation to a VA Social Worker, and that worker can best explain "how" to go about assisting your Father. It sounds as though the Vietnam Veteran has a son or daughter living near him in New Jersey, who would like to become the POA. You must take your father with you to the VA and explain your situation to a Social Worker. This is our advice to you: Go with you Dad to the nearest Veteran's Admin., and ask for assistance. I want all our Vietnam Vets to receive the best of care! Would your Dad be better helped by residing in a VA Rehab hospital? The Social Worker could help you and your Dad get answers to that question, also.
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Gunny01: Many attorneys come up in a Google search in Voorhees, NJ.
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The VA should be able to help you get a advocate and attorney or a therapist to help support you . Sorry this has happened to you -
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