
NO MONEY. Trapped caregiver.
Through a long list of circumstances, I am stuck caring for my grandmother whos needs have surpassed my abilities. She Needs a home.
Using her ssi and medicaid I've researched homes they want way more than we can afford, I am now legally bound to her as caregiver, but I am done. I can't do it anymore. 24/7 care, no job no pay. IHSS has taken months, I'm just forced to sit here trapped. Cops n social workers constantly accusing me of abuse but never helping, I'm leaving the state. Without her. They have to place her then right?

So what I wanna know is. How do I get out!!? Without going to jail. I don't want opinions on why I should stick out or ways to cope. I want to know how to make her a ward of the state, so I can live my life. How long does one go to jail for abandoning and leaving the state. I'm leaving either way.

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Thank you. Good to know im not the only one whose had to face this. Glad i found the site.
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I answered on your other post. I wish I could come get your grandmother and help you out, but that's not possible. Don't do anything rash. Calm down and try to make a list of things you need to do and people you need to contact. I find it calming to make a list, it organizes my brain.
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Yeah that might help me. I don't abuse her by any means. But besides bthroom n showers n meals i don't do anything cuz she don't wanna do anything. Haven't gone as far as calling APS myself. Gonna do that,
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81 y.o Failing kidneys. Recent stroke Gets some SSI. IHSS is in home support services, which would pay me max 1300/mo. Call often. Never get much response. Im currently caring for gma at independent living facility. Im homeless. Idk whose called on me about abuse, ive had one family member making calls to senior homes to no avail. I told APS worker i was done her only concern was if gg was being abused and if she needed me arrested when i expressed i couldn't do this and if she could help. She was non descript and has proven uninterested in helping place her. Just can't seem to find straight forward help. Always gotta jump through hoops. If push comes to shove. Ill call ambulance to pick her up and inform them she will have no care anymore n see what they do w her i suppose.
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You poor thing. I don't think anybody can force you to work for free, that's called slavery. I went through something similar with one of my brothers. At one point he was admitted into the hospital and my other brothers and I wanted to refuse to pick him up, my sister demanded it, because she didn't want her reputation tarnished. Afterward, she turned her back on us and didn't lift a finger. Looking back, we wish we left him there. He was a sever alcoholic. If I were you, I'd try your idea, I can't believe that's my advise, but you need to get your own life back on track. Best of luck!!!
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I feel your pain. You cant be forced to take care of anybody. If you want to go then go. I guess you feel guilty that is why you wrote. In my opinion the hospital is worthless. She lives alone and calls 911 all the time & they just send her right back with the drugs she wanted. None of them listen to me. When I can get this mortgage payment down I am putting my house up for sale or rent. I hope to the good lord I live long enough to see that day. So my advice is go while you still can. Best of luck to you.
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