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Sunshine, we need a little more info. What are hubby’s issues? Are they health or mental? What have you already done to try to get him to eat? Provide us with a little more info and we will try to help.
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Providing more information will allow us to respond more specifically. How old is your husband? How long has he had dementia? How long has he not wanted to eat? Does he have trouble swallowing? Has he had a swallowing test? Have you discussed this symptom with the doctor who is treating his dementia?

My husband went through several periods of not wanting to eat during the 10 years he had dementia. I'll be happy to share information with you. Tell us a little more about your situation.
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My MIL had great trouble eating. She fancied special things, like ice cream or a little homemade jelly but could just about manage 1 teaspoon. I called in Drs. Turns out she was constipated but we did not know because she was still going OK it seemed. She had bowel-overflow. Totally blocked so it came out and up, Sorry if a bit graphic but, may be he is blocked?  Would he try a barley sugar sweet? Good Luck
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My 81 y.o. Alz mother does not eat food anymore for the last 6 months or so. She only drinks nutritional shakes like Glucerna or Boost. She refuses to eat anything. I think she forgets how to chew and swallow food. I checked with her doctor and the doctor said ok. My mom's health actually improves since she starts drinking the nutritional shakes. She is stronger and no longer uses her walker, not even cane.

Maybe you can have your husband try some of the drinks. They actually taste pretty good. And they are meal replacements.
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