We've been told it's really expensive to get power of attorney or guardianship, or to have our patient recognized as unable to handle his own financial and/or medical decisions.
How expensive is expensive? Money is an *extreme* issue since part of the incompetence has been him believing his debt statements are his *bank* statements... he is completely convinced he is owed these amounts and becomes distraught over the fact that he cannot spend it. When he DOES recognize that it is debt he becomes despondent and threatens suicide. (he's currently under medical observation for a few days as it happened again early this week.)
We simply don't know what to do.
A good friends husband suffered a stroke. He was in a variety of facilities for almost a year. His wife needed to sell one of their cars. She and their daughters had calm conversations explaining the need for this. It took a couple of times for the lawyer she hired to obtain this until he finally agreed. She needed the services of the lawyer for a variety of reasons including getting him on Medicaid which was successful. She wanted to avoid having to get guardianship. You have been told what that requires. I hope you are able to move forward without too much stress.
Guardianship requires a court hearing and from I have read here can be $10,000 - $20,000.
Another option, generally the last one is to get the Public Trustee involved. But if this happens, the family loses all rights to making choices for their loved one. And it can drain whatever funds are remaining.
It is not cheap. My lawyer did say that for people that are in the hospital or whatever, emergency guardianships cost around $5000.
A lot of things to consider. I believe things are beginning to straighten out though; there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you!