
Since my last update, my grandmother's house is almost completed with the renovations. very soon I will get with the realtor and take it to surrogate court to get approval to sell it. But in December, I had a problem and sad to say it was with a neighbor. Back over the summer while I was mowing the lawn and removing branches from the back yard after a bad storm, a woman shows up at the house. She used to live around the corner from my grandmother's just her mother lives there. So she recommended me this contractor that did do the work on my grandmothers house. so fast forward to December, I get a phone call at work so it was her, she gets all frantic that she recommended me to this guy to do the house. Then says I want a cut. I'm like puzzled, I didn't say a word then questioned why I didn't sell the house as is. Well its a no brainer I would get below market so that's easier said there. Then she wants to see copies of the invoices I did with the contractor and not tell him, I'm like this woman is nuts if you recommended me to why would you question his work. That's why it was good he came to my area to discuss the pricing and what to do with the house. I never sent it. I knew then and there this woman is trying to stew up some nonsense then wants to set me up with this niece she has. So that convo ended. The next day I'm asleep then at 6:30 am she calls me in the morning waking me up. oh I thought you were at work I'm like I go in later since I'm a cook she figures I'm at work early. Then calls again a few hours later she wants me to help with the lawyer that I went to do the guardianship with for her own mother and wants me to help chip in for it. Once again I said nothing. The picture was clear she's in for money and guess what?? She's not getting a cent from me. I have to take care of my grandmother's finances and her room and board. So that week I went to visit my grandmother, but also I talked to the social worker and explained this bizzare events. So she does visit my grandmother here and there. So when she goes in the future, she cannot obtain anymore information. They sadly cannot ban anyone out of there but it's something at least. So this shows, no one can be trusted. I have not heard from her since the day after Christmas when she came out of nowhere since that was the day she wanted me to meet this niece. Her intentions were good in the beginning, but its a blueprint for her she knows she wants a piece of the pie, but she cannot have it. this is why I don't live back in that town, I just visit and that's that. I stay far away. most ppl know my grandmother since she taught in that town for 40 exact years before retiring almost 40 years ago.

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So sad all these predatory people are out there. It's hard enough handling the responsibilities of a LO's care without the extra BS.
Helpful Answer (3)
Coneal7876 Jan 2020
exactly!!! usually family members are normally those you gotta watch for. in my case, its a random neighbor that visits the neighborhood
This woman visits your grandmom? You are her guardian? I would think you can ask that this woman not be allowed to see your Gmom. She is a trouble maker and maybe has a mental problem. Actually, she should be going after the contractor for getting him a job. No worries, there is no contract between you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Coneal7876 Jan 2020
she's not a guardian. just a random person who has her nose where it don't belong.
She sounds like a nut case!!!
Helpful Answer (3)
Coneal7876 Jan 2020
yea definitely. sad she's out for something. I woulda expected family to do this. but someone who isn't in the family circle pulling this or trying is no good. im glad I haven't heard from her since December but I have a feeling that isn't the last im sure. but im watching her and avoiding her at all costs.
Wow! Do you feel like a weirdo magnet right now? I would.

Who calls people when they think they are at work?

So glad that you can block her from getting information.

I am also surprised that you can not block her from visiting. I have DPOA for my dad and I was asked if there was anyone that I didn't want to visit. I think I would ask the ombudsmen if you have the authority to stop a nutso from visiting your grandmother.

Well done on getting the house dealt with. I hope that you get top dollar.
Helpful Answer (1)
Coneal7876 Jan 2020
I didn't want this situation to brew over. I had to do this because, I don't trust her and someone randomly showing up that something is up. she was not there at the start when my grandmother got sick almost two years ago.
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