
Just won a year long court battle from my sister who had abandoned Mom in a care facility. The court order just states that I give "confirmation" of the next facility (my home) meeting her medical needs.
I easily have the space, equipment, supplies, needed to care for Mom going forward (incl first aid & food safety certification), but since it does not specifically say 'medical' confirmation, doesn't it sound like I can just make such statement myself, to qualify said condition?

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Welcome, Grateful!

DId you (or mom) have a lawyer who assisted you in getting guardianship? Can s/he advise on what assurance the court needs? From your profile, it looks as though you are not in the U.S.

Does mom have a doctor who is treating her heart disease? Will that doctor confirm that you can meet her medical needs at home?

For future reference, consider that many folks are not in the position financially or physically to be able to care for a frail and ill elder at home.

There are good facilities where they can recieve optimal care and not have to have the bother of bundling up to go out to doctors, dentists, audiologists, optometrists, podiatrists, psychiatrists and hairdressers (to name a few of the services that seniors are able to access on site in a good facility). Family is not "abandoning" rather arranging for their care.

In case you find yourself needing to place your mom in the future, it might be good to be able to look at it that way.
Helpful Answer (5)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
I understand that the GP now with my Mom's file, is an in-house facility GP, so I am weary that they will help Mom leave them (please note my above replies for reasoning as well the director of care just does not give me meaningful answers if any and I give up -I'm not the harrassing sort either.

Indeed it is my hope that the GP I have secured for Mom locally (whom currently cares for myself & daughter) can easily enough confirm with my own photos & documentation/receipts that I have what Mom needs.. I'm accustomed to having cared for Mom for 2-3 weeks at a time in my home over holidays, easily, but Mom has since broken her hip & become bedbound:( so I do not know her exact needs to be able to easily comply with the facility holding out such basic information from me:(

When I say my sister abandoned her, I literally mean she would not visit Mom until I contested her Petition to court that started this all. Even prior to facilities, sister would only visit Mom for special occasions but even at that would not get out of her car picking Mom up/dropping off, didn't help maintain yards at all, house looked abandoned when I got there, overgrown darkness. Sis who lived 12 minutes away from Mom could not answer my asking if Mom had food in her fridge, if she had bathed, if she has become a hoarder, condition of basic appliances -I consider this abandonment. I trust in the care facility's ability to do their job, that's not a question. Administration there is another thing however, I'm discovering...
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Was there a Guardian ad litem assigned while this was / is going through the legal process?
If so that would be a good person to verify that the home you intend to bring m om to is one that will meet her needs now and in the future.
They can verify that the house is safe, in habitable condition and the Care Plan you have is going to meet her needs.
Have a Care Plan written up that you can show. Who her doctors are, where she will be seeing them. If you plan on getting caregivers to help the agency name might also be a good idea. If you are hiring privately the persons name, a background check and paperwork for tax purposes.
If yours is anything like the process I went through you will also have to prepare an Annual Statement as to how your mom is doing. You can get a template on line for your County, State but have something like that available.
Helpful Answer (5)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
Thank you so much, I've indeed begun documenting such, it's great to have confirmation of parallel thought. Between all these caring, thoughtful replies, surely the pieces will come together soon!
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So you are a single parent with a teenager and a early 20’s kid, both living in your home in CA to which you now have your mother moving in as well. You have gotten guardianship over mom. Is this all accurate?

Mom was in a facility in Canada is that right? You mentioned province in a prior post. I’m assuming Canada. So is mom a US legal resident, citizen or naturalized citizen? Is mom on Medicare? and does mom have an income source drawn on USD, like she gets Social Security? Or does mom has significant assets now banked in the US to draw from? All things imo needed to be able to have mom pay her way for her medical needs, prescriptions, durables, etc. Or are you planning on entirely paying for your moms health care needs?

Those ? may not be in the document the state is wanting. But things imo you need to be assured of to do a budget for her care plan.

Regarding the document, your attorney should be able to guide you as to exactly what the State is expecting. Perhaps it’s get a “needs assessment” done and for each “need” indicated have a bullet points as to how that need will be addressed. For example…..
Medication Management:
- RN from Sunshine In Home Health to fill weekly medication box
- staff from Sunshine IHH to give RXs 4 days per week they caregive
- Grateful to give RXs 3 days per week
- Rx’s set up for 90 day blister packs
- RX’s coordinated for auto refill with Dr Doug Ross, gerontologist

Attach the contracts you have done for caregivers / IHHS.

As an aside, I do hope you are not expecting your 2 kids to be providing required care for your mom. Now taking her for an outing on occasion, or helping her put on a sweater, watching a movie together, stuff like that is fine. But please do not go into this just expecting them to happily be around to help care for gran.
Helpful Answer (6)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
Yes, you're spot on! I'm Mom's committee of Person, therefore just her health & personal decisions are mine, like where she lives & approve care; whereas a Trust Company manages Mom's $ affairs -I don't have to deal with any of that. This is all set out in a Court Order of BC Queen's Bench.

You wouldn't believe it, but as all I have to do is show confirmation of my ability to meet her needs, now the care facility is not releasing her 'medical needs' (which I have no real clue because sister hid EVERYTHING regarding Mom's care) despite asking the director of care and the business manager. Asked these 'officials' nicely in emails to get record of my doing so 4x in 2 days as I'm being skirted around badly.. I should be able to access her records to even know exactly what I'm dealing with here, shouldn't I.. ?

And no, my kids have nothing to do with her care except where they want to -Mom is obv my choice therefore my responsibility. I'm in the school of thought that we raise our kids to be independent, to find their own happy and we're lucky if they factor us in beyond holiday supper!
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The last point igloo said, is a good point. The hands on care is on you and a paid caregiver. The kids should just enjoy quality time with her.
Helpful Answer (2)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
Yes, this is obv to me, no worries. My decision, my responsibility. Kids are not insurance policies and must be their own souls. Our job is to love & set them free.
This is just a guess, but you might contact the presiding judge's clerk and ask if there are specific guidelines printed by the Probate Court (I assume this was a probate litigation) on the "confirmation" issue.
Helpful Answer (2)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
Yeah, they probably won't know since obtaining 'confirmation' was actually written into my own initial conditions draft when I had to present my own requirements should my sister have won Committeeship. I would have required like an accredited occupational therapist's okay, so I think that's what I'll attempt
So are you in the US? The info accompanying your photo has San Jose, California as your “base”. But the terms your using for the legalities are not at all what I’ve experienced in dealing w probate.

so where exactly are you?
Helpful Answer (0)
Grateful1too Oct 2021
As replied earlier, upon signing up to this forum, the UI did not have any Canada-options, so I had to input a U.S. 'address' -my dad's, lol
I'm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
There is no concern about wills or estates here anyway. Thank you
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