
Tired of being used for only $200 a month. I'm 48, I don't have a life. I was pushed in to this with no help.

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Even if you were being paid $20-$30 p/hr, if there are not at least 2 caregivers, this means you have no subs, no breaks, no vacations, no life. If you are being paid in cash, this means no money is going into your own social security account for your own old age, no record of work history so that you may not make the required 40 quarters of work in order for you to receive Medicare at 65, etc.

This is a situation that only you can change, by leaving. Leave and do not get pressured to stay for any reason. Give whoever is managing your Grandma's care enough time to find a replacement (like 3 weeks) but then when that deadline comes and there's no replacement -- you leave anyway. They will be furious at first but then they will get over themselves. You are not their only option, you just have to accept that this is true.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

Tell the family you will resign caregiving and give them a date. I would give them at least a few months time to replace you. Then get on with your own life would be my opinion. If your grandmother needs to be in care due to other family members being unwilling to provide care, then she can become a ward of the state and they will assume guardianship, apply for needed funds after her assets are assessed, and place grandmother in care for the end of her life.

I wish you well. You deserve to have your own life. But no one will GIVE that to you; you will have simply to take it after notifying all family members by letter of the date you will no long be showing up to care for grandmother.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

We were paying $30 per hour (for non live in). This was in rural Maryland this year (2024). Rates of pay are higher in urban areas.

$200/month is no where near enough for live in

Give your family notice and find another place to live and get a job that gives you income.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to brandee

Ten years ago or so, I was paying a 24/7 live-in caregiver $275 per day to care for my dad. I also paid relief caregivers for when the 24/7 had to go out. The 24/7 got paid the same even when relief caregivers were there. Also there was a housecleaner and various other helpers as needed.

$275 per day for 30 days in a month = $8250 for one month of care. You are being taken advantage of.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

I think all our time effort we should get a lot of cash more than 20p mBe 400pa month
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Adrianna85122

Adrianna85122, welcome to the forum. Oh good grief, cannot believe a family feels that $0.85/hour (using 8 hr day M-Sun)) is good pay for someone taking care of a love one. How can you afford health insurance? Or do you even have health insurance? How can you afford personal items? Afford car insurance much less gasoline? Something doesn't sound right here. Or did you mean $200 per week? Even that would be a long stretch on one's budget.
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Reply to freqflyer

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