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This seems to be more like a marriage issue than a mom issue, he is showing you that he is more comfortable living apart from you. You mention he went to his parents home because you were at work - does he have a job? You also mention he buys food (and no doubt other things too) "on our dime" - do your weekly get-togethers include conjugal visits as well? Well, isn't he just the cat that got the cream....
Helpful Answer (10)

He's being a good son to his parents. Since she can't move into your place he stays at hers.

He's keeping her out of AL or the NH.

Maybe she would be receptive to some type of home care in lieu of being in a facility? Husband could subtly suggest this?
Helpful Answer (5)
olddude Sep 2023
There is nothing wrong with putting Mom in AL. That is where she belongs.

The husband is destroying his marriage. And if his mother moves in with them, that will only accelerate the process.
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Play your Husband this Crowded House song: Better Be Home Soon.

Don't say no
Don't say nothing's wrong

'Cause when you get back home
Maybe I'll be gone, oh

It would cause me pain
If we were to end it

But I could start again
You can depend on it

And I know I'm right
For the first time in my life

That's why I tell you
You'd better be home soon

Thankyou Neil Finn for these apt words. Apparently inspired by a speech his wife gave him when he was away touring a lot.
He said it saved their marriage.
Helpful Answer (15)
anonymous1732518 Sep 2023
This isn't a marriage anymore, is it? He's more married to his mom.

In fact, you can use that line if you wish. Confront him. Tell him you're tired of it, and if he wants to stay married to you, he has to act like a husband.

The first consultation with a divorce lawyer is usually free. If you see one, and if you find out what your rights are, and if you tell your husband you've seen a lawyer, that might scare the bejesus out of him. It is absolutely not okay for him to dictate to you that you must live alone because he has to take care of this burdensome woman who seems never to have become a real adult. Now, with dementia, she never will.

If you see a lawyer, be sure to take all financial information to the appointment. Where the money is, how your marital home expenses are paid, information about mortgages, deeds, salaries, pensions, etc. You may find out that you're better off without him financially, emotionally and in every other way.

You get the house, he gets mom and her house, and you find a boyfriend who actually enjoys spending time with you. Sound good?
Helpful Answer (21)
CaregiverL Sep 2023
Sounds too easy!
Why do so many men live in denial about their mother's health issues and the FACT they can no longer function alone at home at 92 years old???? Ugh. Is your husband planning to be her Knight in Shining Armor now and do everything for her that your father did prior to his passing? A hero complex or something? 😑

I'd ask hubs if he'd like a divorce since he's abandoned you for his mother? Tell him what you told us, that you're very lonely and depressed. That you've been his rock for ages, and now that YOU need HIM, he's cast you aside. Mother belongs in Assisted Living and he can manage her finances from your home. He can visit her there on a reasonable schedule. You're happy to help him sell her home and facilitate the move, but if he's unwilling, then you're considering it as abandonment of the marriage.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (16)
MeDolly Sep 2023
Men are the fixers, or so they think! Then we have the mama's boy syndrome to further complicate the issue.

Lay it out to your husband, it is either me or her, pick one and go from there.

My mother is 98, MIL could live another 5 years or so, time for a reality check.

Good Luck!
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If your MIL was “ still independent “ as your husband believes , he would not need to stay with her . I would tell him that. My FIL in AL thinks he’s independent because he still dresses himself . But he can’t make meals or do his finances etc . It is all done for him .

Your husband should go to an elder care attorney about getting POA or emergency guardianship so his mother can be placed in an appropriate facility using His Mothers money . Hopefully some other people post with other ideas of how to have your husband be able to get your MIL placed and for him to have access of his mothers funds to pay for her care , including selling her house if she owns her home .

He also should not be buying her takeout with his money . I went through that with my hubby the last 18 months. I finally got him to stop using our money to bring take out food to his father in AL . He now keeps the receipts and once a month pays himself back from his fathers bank account . Hubby is POA .

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (7)

That’s a hard question, because your husband is fine about where he is. It’s up to you to change things, because MIL won’t and H doesn’t want to. Here are some suggestions to think about:

1) You move into MIL’s house, perhaps Friday and Saturday nights each week for a while. You dictate the food, and insist that MIL cooks with you. No more take-out junk food – it’s expensive and unhealthy. Especially none that you are effectively paying for. Rock the boat.

2) You start chucking out the ‘clutter’ in MIL’s house. Get a bin of some sort and fill it up. If MIL objects, and H says no, ask him how he thinks it will dealt with in some other way. Or is he planning to stay there for years? Ignore the objections. Rock the boat some more.

3) Develop some jobs at your house, that H would normally do. Swap houses for a few days, so he goes back home and gets the jobs done, while you work on things being different with MIL.

4) How old are you? Develop your own social life, even if you would prefer H’s company. Brag to H about the older guys who find you interesting. Aim for jealousy. Don’t let him see you as just sitting at home waiting for him to come back any time he feels like it.

5) Where is the money coming from to keep this show on the road? Are you working? What is H’s income and where does it come from? Same for MIL. Open a bank account in your sole name, and put your income into it. Let the balance in the joint account run down so money becomes a bigger issue. (Transfer half the joint account balance into it if you wish) Don’t prop up the whole thing.

6) Face the fact that some men really will put their mothers first, for years and years and years. If this is not going to be acceptable for you, it’s worth finding it out now. At least set yourself up for separation, if that’s what is on the cards for the future. Don’t let it all get to be ‘normal’.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (16)

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