
My mom is in an independent living facility and has moderate dementia. I am POA (both durable and medical). My brother is constantly using her debit card to buy expensive computer equipment in the $1000s of dollars range. I keep having to cancel the cards and get new ones. I try to dispute the charges with the bank, but since it is a family member, they do nothing. When I confront my brother, he denies doing it or says that mom told him he could have the money. I even threaten to call the police if he doesn’t stop. I tell mom to hide the card from him (he lives near her, I don’t), but somehow he always seems to get the card number within days of my ordering a new one. My only solution so far has been to open a separate account in my name and transfer all of her money into it while leaving enough in her account to pay for rent and miss items. I told my brother that I did this and said there wouldn’t be enough money in it for him to buy a $7,000 video cable, for example.

In the meantime, my mother’s short term memory is gone and she is fiercely independent. She gets agitated easily and fights me tooth and nail when I try to get her help. She is not aware of the money situation (when I tell her, she’s forgotten by the next day).

If anyone has any thoughts about what to do about my brother, I’d love to hear them. He has spent close to $100k of my mom’s money and she is going to run out soon and will be on the streets because I can’t take her in and my brother refuses to.

Don't give Mom the card. What does she need with a debit card. Its time to place Mom in an Assisted Living or LTC. Its going to be hard getting her Medicaid because of these "gifts" Mom is giving brother. You need to report the theft so you have proof for Medicaid.

I would see an Elder Lawyer.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29
VBRobertson Jun 25, 2024
Thanks so much!!
I think this is going to be a real problem when she runs out of money because she will be denied medicaid with the look back they do. They will see she has been gifting money to your brother. There is elder abuse going on here and he should be reported to the police for that.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to ArtistDaughter

File a police report. If the police refuse to have him prosecuted, that 100k will be considered gifted to him by mom, so he will have to pay her first 100k worth of care when she runs out of money and has to go on Medicaid. I would make your brother aware of this, although it probably won’t do much good.

I have a brother who is currently taking advantage of my mother’s money under different circumstances. These people can’t be reasoned with. They just take and take.

Maybe give mom one of those prepaid debit cards and only put $200 on it at a time.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to LilyLavalle

First, with your moms dementia worsening(as it will continue doing)she should NOT be living in independent living, but instead assisted living or a memory care facility.
Then second, DO NOT give your mom any of her debit/credit cards, but keep them yourself so greedy brother cannot get them.
Your mom allowing your brother to take money from her will only get her in trouble down the road if and when Medicaid is needed, as there is always a 5 year(in most states)look back.
Hopefully once she's placed in an assisted living facility or memory care, this nonsense with your brother will stop.
But until then, report him to the police if you have to and file a police report, so that is on file if needed in the future.
You as her POA, must keep her and her money safe, and keep meticulous records of where every penny is going.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Another thief in the Family . Dont order a card - if he opens a card in her name that is fraud and you can report that to the Police . Or file a report with the police and send the report to the credit card company .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

Set up all her bills as direct pay by ACH from the bank. Neither she nor you would then be writing checks anymore. Cancel her cards. Freeze her credit with the three credit-monitoring agencies in the US. File a police complaint about your brother. What he's doing could be considered elder abuse, and the police can inform you of the laws in mom's state.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Fawnby
VBRobertson Jun 25, 2024
Thanks! Very helpful!
No more cards for Mom. Get her a pre-loaded cc so that you control the amount on it and she can spend it on herself.

The problem with trying to file a police report on your brother is that they may interview your Mom and she may not remember or likely will cover for your brother, unless she has a medical diagnosis of memory and cognitive impairment from her doctor which you can print out for the cops (so that the date precedes the theft). So, if you go this route you should have tempered expectations for an outcome. If nothing else maybe it sends the signal that you're serious about him stopping this theft (which is what it is).

Put all her bills on autopay through her bank and only keep a minimum amount of cash in her checking account to cover her expenses. All other cash should be in a savings account and she has no access to a checkbook, and all her other sensitive paperwork and info should not be accessible to her. Also freeze her credit so brother doesn't get the notion to take cc's or loans out in her name.

I also agree that it's time for your Mom to transition into AL.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
VBRobertson Jun 25, 2024
Thank you so much!
There is no reason now for your mother to have a debit or credit card.
For my brother, we did arrange that he would keep his when he moved into ALF, but I was POA and all billing was sent to me, and the credit card company told me that as POA I was responsible for these bills and for notifying them of any changes.
He really didn't ever use his. I did give him a small personal account with a debit card, and that worked very well; amazingly he only made that account GROW rather than deplete.

As POA just take on all of the bills in and out and keep menticulous records. Take away all credit and debit ability unless you want to make that small personal account. Work with the banker who will help you to do this with a good POA document.

Brother is then out of it all, unless mom wants to spend her allowance account on him.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Thank you everyone for taking the time to offer suggestions!! It means a lot. I have done most of the recommendations and things are getting a little better.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to VBRobertson

How does your brother keep getting access to the new credit cards and account? Is your mother giving that to him? If she is then you need to not give her the new credit cards or bank information and leave it at that.

She is fiercely independent is just code for a stubborn and selfish senior who is going to make your life a living hell unless you step up and do what you need to do to keep moms money safe and used for her care.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to anonymous1768885

Yes exactly what was happening to momma. Bro, his wife, sister, housekeeper and everybody else was trying to get money out of momma. She couldn't manage her check book anymore. Never really could for that matter and didn't know how to use a credit card unless someone was standing right beside her. When she went into assisted living the check book and credit card went away. I got hell from everybody about that but it needed to be done. Still getting hell. I do have financial POA.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to akababy7

Thanks for the update. I am glad you are protecting your mom’s income.
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Reply to 97yroldmom

I'm in a similar situation and very stressed about it. My 58 yo brother quit his job 8 years ago and then proceeded to take all my Mom's money. She then sold her house and moved into independent living, and within less than 2 years he took all the sale proceeds. She received a large inheritance from her brother, and now my brother is taking even larger amounts from her than he was before. She is definitely developing dementia, and has no short term memory left to speak of. However, she's incredibly stubborn and downright nasty sometimes when I try to discuss long term care planning with her. I am her POA, but only in the event she becomes incapacitated.

It is a true mental illness on her part, because she will not see that he's abusing her. She gives the money of her own free will, stating that she doesn't want him to starve...but trust me when I say that he's taking much much more than he needs to survive. It's so messed up, and I'm struggling with what to do to protect her and also protect my sanity. He has made no effort to get a job, and I'm disgusted that he is so unconscionable as to think what he's doing is OK. It has destroyed our family, to the point where my sister and I no longer have a relationship with him.

I realize that she has a right to make her own decisions, but they're incredibly hurtful for more than one reason. I believe they are both being tremendously selfish, and I'm very concerned about the position I will be in when/if the time comes that I have to assume responsibility for her affairs. I don't want a mess dumped in my lap, and have honestly considered just walking away. I'm the oldest, a CPA, and very responsible (which is why she designated me as her POA and Executor in the first place)...but it's not fair to put such high expectations on me and then not cooperate in providing the tools and funds to take care of her should the need arise.

There's of course the additional emotional element for me and my sister of inequitable treatment, but that's a side issue. However, when your parent says you will be receiving a certain amount of an inheritance and then allows your sibling to derail those plans, it hurts deeply. My sister and I are the ones who support her needs, not for money but because we love her. I check on her every day, get her to appointments, and make sure she has everything she needs. I know she loves me, but the situation with my brother makes it hard to remember that sometimes since it has caused she and I to have some terrible arguments due to her denial.

I don't know what to do. I have a life to think about too, and this situation has made me miserable. I cannot get her to submit to memory testing, which is what my lawyer suggested in order to possibly exercise the POA and take control of her if anyone has viable suggestions, I would be ever ever so grateful. 💕
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Kristi1000

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