
Because my husband has Major Depressive Disorder which became much more severe over the past week, I took him to the VA ER per the triage nurse's directions.

His depression was so severe that he couldn't eat or drink fluids. He wouldn't get out of bed. Period, except to use the bathroom.

Here is the twist. I told his doctors this was coming 2 weeks ago. I figured it was another severe bout of depression.

Hubby History: 2015 Throat Cancer, TIA, Anaphylactic Shock to chemo

2017 MCA Stroke that required surgery. Slow recovery, emotionally flat, aphasia, memory and speech issues.

COPD and some other health issues. Brain Aneurysm.

As winter set in he seemed less and less able to function outside the home. He stopped doing chores with me, by June he even stopped mowing the yard [he loves to mow on his rider]. He stopped wanting people to visit [nah, I like visitors, so they came].

He was admitted to the Mental Health Ward for severe 'MDD' and after a team of doctors looked at him, they feel the depression is not related to his PTSD symptoms, but are now related to the brain damage from the TIA and the MCA stroke which disassociate his feelings. Meaning, he can laugh and seem to enjoy things,...when in reality, he doesn't because his brain doesn't let him.

He is emotionally flat. And because of that he can only think negative thoughts and live without any hope.

They are trying a treatment that I never heard of until yesterday. Ketamine Infusion. It won't bring back his broken brain, but they are hoping to stimulate some feelings of hope.

Because he is at the VA Mental Health Ward, he is in Lock Down. That means it is like a prison. He actually feels safe there and is getting a lot of attention from the doctors who find him quite a mystery.

He may come home in a week or so. Let me tell you, this is tough and it is sad. BUT when my son asked me 'how are you mom?' I replied, "Honey, I am on vacation right now!" That was what popped into my head. How awful, but my son totally got it.

On the 2 hr drive home yesterday from the hospital, I stopped at several places and even had a picnic lunch. I cleaned house with the music blaring, made beet pickles, danced with the dog, and sat on the porch with a beer.

I know I should feel awful, but I don't. Right now someone else is taking care of DH 24 hrs a day and I know he is in good hands.

I'll take it.

PS~I talked to DH last night on the phone. His voice actually sounded better and he quipped that the food on the ward 'sucks like mud'.

The sobering thought is that the Doctor told me. His brain is broken and this could be the 'best' he will be. I understand that. My job is to get him out of the house when he does get home and get him doing activities. I told the doctor I would have to burn the bed, he loves his bed.

If he doesn't move and do things, he will revert and his health and mind will rapidly decline.



Day Trips?

I'm going to get his butt moving IF I can.

But for the next few days?

I'm going to enjoy some much needed 'me' time.

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1) ENJOY IT while you can...

2) "His daughter was horrified that I wasn't making the 4 hr round trip drive daily to see him. I told her he is IN lock down."... Ummm, forgive me for asking, I only made it this far through the comments - Has SHE gone to visit her dad????? Doesn't sound like she has, so what right does she have to guilt you? N.O.N.E!
Helpful Answer (2)

Holy Cow! I read this Tuesday afternoon and this is exactly what I'm going through. I took hubby to VA per the nurse Monday because he showed me just he wanted to take a knife and open up his chest and just end it all. He went on and on but I'm sure you have been through it all already. I pulled up a site to learn about Ketamine Infusion after I read your note and before I could read it the phone rang and it was a group of drs from the VA. They called because he passed their question test, he said he had no depression, wasn''t going to kill himself and was just venting the night before. I shouted at them that they need to change the questions and that he and his mom are great deniers!! They came to the conclusion that he probably never had bipolar (after about 30 years of missed dx!) but early onset FTD. I don't have a degree and already figured that out. I asked them about the infusion and they told me that our VA doesn't practice that yet. Why one and not the other??? They have decided they are going to change his meds (again). Hubby did say he slept better last night. Might get to come home Friday. Please let me know if you get your hubby's butt moving and how you do it. I want to do each and every one of the things you listed with my hubby but right now I'm having a hard time trying to do things he just doesn't seem to respond to. Will you please try to stay in touch with me as we are both going through the VA and I have so many questions. My hubby is 100% disabled and they have done many good things but feel they have fallen short on his medical part and getting correct answers to things is worst than pulling teeth or dealing with FTD times. How is your husband doing? Will he be coming home soon? Like you, today I'm taking my first full me day at home doing what I want when the mood hits me. Thanks for sharing! Betty
Helpful Answer (1)

You deserve a break! Your DH is in good hands, and is making progress. It’s a perfect opportunity to take care of yourself.
You’ll be better able to continue to give him care if you take time to recharge and care for yourself!
Helpful Answer (2)

When the universe smiles on you, smile back.

Take care of yourself as much and as often as you can.

All best to you.
Helpful Answer (2)

I dont blame you for feeling like you are on vacation.
Being of sound mind, I would never want to burden my family with a mean nasty version of me. I also know if I had dementia, it would not really be 'me'. I'd tell them to go ahead and put me in a care home, so they can have a life. There are more activities and things to do, than 1 person can plan for alone at home.
Don't feel guilty if his medical care is more than you can handle. That is a lot of medical issues to deal with at one time. Good luck. Glad you are taking "me time".
Helpful Answer (1)

hope you enjoy your life whether your husband gets his life back or not. Take care of yourself.
Helpful Answer (1)

You absolutely should not feel guilty. Here's a way to think about it: would you feel guilty if your husband had a heart attack and you turned over his care to a cardiologist? Of course not! He is being cared for by experts.
If the financial resources are there, consider placing him in a memory care community. The staff are trained to deal with cognitive impairment, there are built in social engagement opportunities and a staff of people to encourage him to engage. You can spend as much time with him there as you want without endangering your own health with the burden of his care.
Helpful Answer (5)

Freedom, even if for a short time is invigorating. The air in the house even feels lighter.
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Cargivers need vacations.

Also he may feel more secure in a "regimental" facility and doesnt feel he's in a locked -down facility ???
Helpful Answer (3)

GOOD FOR YOU! - plan a pedicure while you're at it - you are a realist & know how to maximize an opportunity that drops in your lap - good luck
Helpful Answer (2)

Val3rie you are perfectly justified to feel freedom and joy while your husband is hospitalized for his condition. As a caregiver for a person with brain injury (TBI) you need a regular break or you become as apathetic and ill as the person you are caring for. I found that not only did it zap all of my energy but that I too became depressed and anxious. Simple daily tasks became overwhelming for me. When he returns home, schedule someone to come in even if it’s only for a few hours a week so that you can get away and recharge. It will be something to look forward to and give you a much deserved break from your daily routine.
Helpful Answer (4)
Val3rie Aug 2018
He is back. Yesterday was great and then he came down with a head cold and is now miserable.
You guessed it.
The bed.
But hopefully he can get over this nasty cold he got while getting 'better'. His attitude is better and he feels like he'd like to do something.
I can only cross my fingers.
I did go off on an adventure on Sunday with NO one to answer to!!!
People have plenty to say when they don't have a clue what you go through or how hard it is,in their minds its how hard can it be, so I just say to them would you like to look after them,you don't see or hear from them know it all people again..
Helpful Answer (3)

You are amazing,you've coped so well with your husbands illness's, I am in awe with you,enjoy you time to yourself,you so deserve it,and like you said your husband is safe,god bless you..xx
Helpful Answer (4)

Val: Hubby’s daughter needs to “bring it, not sing it,” eh?

Take ALL the care of yourself you need to and want to. You have been deprived of pleasures for a long time.

No shame, no guilt. Rebuild yourself. 😃💗
Helpful Answer (5)

My mentally ill son was in jail for six months and it was a vacation for us. And he had no access to drugs and was forced to take his medications.
Helpful Answer (5)

My husband is in Va lock down and at first I was feeling very guilty and felt like I am betraying him for been so relax he too has dementia and other mental health issues along with other health issues he is so angry and mean I could stand it any more the home we bought together is unlivable cause for 24 years he refused to fix anything or let bring anyone in the home to fix thing He came home but he called the police told them I was trying to kill him I am sorry he has to go through what ever in his head he is going through but I was sick every day and getting more depressed myself well long story short I refused to bring him home letting the ca take care of him for a while I filed for ptsd in March they say it’s still pending they need more evidence they been giving his Prozac for about 24 year want to fix my home but va says no and I have retired early to try and take care of him that didn’t work out I moved into a senior citizen apartment that takes half of my social security income but I am more relaxed and happy
Helpful Answer (4)
anonymous827732 Aug 2018
I hope everything is sorted out for you soon, take care of yourself.. X
See 1 more reply
You go girl! We are all in this for different reasons, but we all agree that as a caregiver we have to maintain our sanity. Blare that music and dance with the dog
Helpful Answer (7)
disgustedtoo Aug 2018
Crank up Dancin' Fool by Frank Zappa while boggeying with the dog!
So glad to hear that both your hubby and you are getting some relief. Yay!
Helpful Answer (4)


The Ketamine infusion and other meds are working right now. He sounds like his old self.
Will it cure his dementia? Probably not, but he says he can't wait to come home and mow the yard, walk, help me work, fence, train mules, and GO Fishing!

It may be temporary, but what the heck, lets take it while we can.
Helpful Answer (15)
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2018
I hope that it continues to work and you get part of your hubby back.

Beer, fresh air and doggy dancing- you go girl😎
Good job, Val!! Get in all the R and R you can!
Helpful Answer (9)
Val3rie Aug 2018
LOL. I did more work and arranged more things since he was not in the house than I've been able to do in a long time.
But I am taking a day just FOR me!
Lock down is the best for him?
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Val3rie Aug 2018
Actually yes, most psychiatric wards are lock down now. Veterans are always in lock down, and they like feeling safe and secure.
A team of neurologists and psychiatrists have been working with him.
I can't believe anyone would criticize you for taking some time to yourself. In fact, tell his daughter that to provide the best care to her dad from now on you are going to need two weeks a year of respite care. Ask can she take over for a week anytime this year?
One week of walking in your shoes would open her eyes!
Helpful Answer (9)
Val3rie Aug 2018
I told her tonight that she could come and watch over her dad while I go visit my biological grand kids that are 4 hrs north of here.
She paused.
Val, enjoy your reprieve while you can. Add some togetherness with family and enjoy it worry-free. No need to worry about rushing home to give him meds, or if he has eaten or need his pampers changed (thinking of my bedridden parents when they were alive.)

I remember the times bedridden dad was hospitalized. I felt so guilty that I felt so relieved that he's not home. I can come home late from work by going detouring to Ross store and shop without worries. I remembered enjoying the very relaxing nights. Because he was verbally abusive to me when he was in the hospital, my family told me that I don't need to visit him.

Yep, I dreaded the day he was released from the hospital. Back to the daily caregiving grind. Go and have fun!!!
Helpful Answer (4)
Val3rie Aug 2018
Oh I am! His daughter was horrified that I wasn't making the 4 hr round trip drive daily to see him. I told her he is IN lock down. That means I have to put my purse and keys in a lockbox to get on the ward and have to be searched and escorted to the nurses station where Nurse Rachet is behind glass.

And after all of that, I don't even get to see him. I told him on the phone that he could ask me to come, but I wasn't just going to pop in for a visit.

I am going to take a trip on Saturday or Sunday, a day trip with hiking and a picnic. I don't want anyone to come along. I just want to be alone to enjoy myself.

When I am home, I do visit often with my young neighbor and her kids. I feel like Gollum in Lord of the Rings! My Time is Precious! I will protect it.

PS~ I told his daughter to go visit him if he wanted her. She is 40 minutes from him. I also called MIL's Guardian and told them to pick up the slack on their end.
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