
Sometimes it makes me depressed. I try to stay in good spirits. I have so much to look foward to. I don't have too many people to talk to. My Grandson that's 13 takes care of me. He is amazing.

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I know wi will half to pay but i only get a check once a month. Its a machine I use to use in REHAB but he dont accept only cash what it does is stand me up and it teaches you how yo walk. You have trainer. I have a brother that has plenty money but his wife dont let him help me. I am his only sister left. I said I was do a fund raiser and ask help from the Fight Fighter they always come and help me out of Bed. I dont have any help my two sister died. My Mother and Father died to. Thats my life.
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I'm sorry laster. I hope rehab is helpful and you can regain some of your physical strength, but it sounds as though you need to plan for support beyond that, ask to speak to the social worker about how to go about finding care and paying for it, you will not be the first person who has ended up in this situation.
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It would help us to help you if you can tell us:
- why are you bed-bound? Did you have an accident or are you ill? Did you have a stroke?
- what state do you live in?
- how old you are?
- is there anyone else in or near your home who can help you make calls and get information besides your 13-year old grandson?
- are you a Medicare recipient?

You should have an adult help you contact Social Services for your county to get assessed for in-home care help. You may qualify for Medicaid and they can help you with this. Perhaps you should consider moving to a care facility where you will be with people and get all the care you need? Have you thought about this option? Please give more info if you can. Thanks!
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How old are you? And who is they? Where are the parents of your grandson? Are you in your home?

We can't give you the correct info without more info. I would suggest a call to Adult protection services. Maybe they can evaluate your situation and get u the help you need. Your grandson should not have the responsibility of caring for you.
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