
oh my lord!!! my name is melanie im staying with my mother and grandmother..... this house was at the least a S**T HOLE, i cleaned every single room... took me a week to get things back to normal... tll i got to my grandmas room... on my god!!! it was beyond NASTY.. dog s**t every where and on every thing.. i found her dirty dippars every where and human crap on everything.. WTF was my first respose... so this room is not that bg at all maybe 12 by 12 i took out 65 cases of books and a ton of clothes. everything was covered in pee and poop.. im not even gonna mention her bathroom.. ewww i dont know what to do i made it 5 hours of heaving lifting and gaging over and over.then she gets pssed cause i took 75% of her things out and proceads to bring all the dirty things back in to the house. i have had no help with any of this and im trying to make her room clean but she contines to lock her little dogs in the room and they s**t and piss every where and she WILL NOT leave a window open the smell of the house is beyond gross. dont know what to do and she shop lifts from all out local stores and steals anything she can get her hands on.not even kidding this is so nsane i dont know what to do im at my wits end... so i called adult protecive services and there wasnt really much they can do. theres still s**t every where in the room and she will not let me finish cleaning it.. some one help me im overwelmed with all ths sh*t literly.. HELP ME PLEASE

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Call APS and report the conditions that you've found. Let the state file for guardianship.
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Take photographs and take them physically to your nearest APS office. This is a huge health hazard, a risk to your grandmother's life, ultimately, and that is what they are for.

How can I put this..? Um. Has your grandmother always been a bit unreliable around property? Otherwise, assuming the answer is a firm no, her shoplifting behaviour is a marked change which you could usefully report to her doctor. I gather from your profile that you are 30 - how old are your mother and grandmother? Whose house is it that you're all living in?

It is also cruel and hazardous for the dogs to be living in these conditions. As a last resort, call the SPCA and ask them to send round an inspector to threaten her with prosecution (they don't actually have to proceed with it!).

Pathologists and crime scene investigators put dabs of Vicks or similar under their nostrils - you could try that as an emergency measure. Good luck, let us know how you get on.
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Ok thanks guys I have tried talking to her I have tried everything. I'm her granddaughter . She yells screams help if I try and put her dogs out side I have known her all my life but I never knew things were this bad... My mother (her daughter) bought this house together in 2007... My grandmother screams at my mom all day that "this is her house and everyone can f**k off" she hated me cause I tried to clean her room up and now the small is really really bad. She makes things so hard. If I even walk by her room she flips out on me. I don't know why she had to act like this. She thinks I'm the devil and I'm being mean but she keeps going in that room to sleep and god the air is nasty.she says it's as clean as it's gonna get, ohhhh myyyy goodddd why doesn't she just keep her room clean ???
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I'm sorry, I missed that you already called APS. Yes, take pictures and take them physically to APS. Where is your mom in all this? Is she concerned? Does grandma have a doctor? You need to get him involved if at all possible. Sounds like grandma has dementia or another mental illness. I'm hoping that there are no guns on the property.

Are you able to leave? Get a job, get yourself out of this mess? You can't help her at this point, you can only bring help in to save her from herself. Someone needs to be appointed guardian, which is an expensive process. Sounds as though it might be better if you let the State take over.
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I've seen this type of behavior. My loved one was suffering from dementia. She was so afraid her cat would escape from the house that she wanted it in her bedroom suite all the time. Yes, she had a clean litter box and food, but the situation was going downhill. Eventually, the obsession with the animal will get worse. Getting her medical help is very important and if you can't get her to a doctor, then the state will need to step in. I agree about reporting the situation. They can legally step in and protect her from herself and the animals. Good luck. I now it's very difficult.
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This is a insane process I can leave anytime but my mom and I are trying to make things better in the long run but my mom can't do very much she has been in 7 car accidents and her back it messed up so bad. APS can not make my grandmother do anything they were standing outside while she went through dirty dipper bags and s**t all over my grandma and she just left. My grandma proceaed in to the house to make something to eat NEVER WASHING HER HANDS. I even asked her are u going to wash ur hands? She said no I'm not I'm clean and there was human poop all over her hands and arm. She wiped it on her chair. Ughhhhhh
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Go back to APS and ask to see supervisor, then appeal the investigators decision. Do not reveal that you live there or are taking responsibility for the welfare of your mom and grandma. State that you want them to investigate living conditions and why they don't consider the home as a safe and healthy environment?
It can be pretty bad and filthy in a lot of ways, and APS or social worker can agree it's bad but not unsafe or unhealthy enough for grandma to continue to live there.
I'm so sorry for you. You might have to just move out if you can't stand it...I know I would.
But if you must stay, hold your ground and continue to clean and throw everything contaminated out. Take the dogs regularly with or without grandmas permission or call in animal control to look at conditions and give granny a good scare that animals will be removed if she doesn't clean up her act --dogs and granny's pee and poop!

If you can afford it. Rip up the carpet and put down tile or hard surface in granmas room.

Good luck.
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There's only carpet in the closet. My mom paid 15,000.00 for hard wood floors and since then they have been ruined and I'm trying to get things normal but at this time I have no where else to go I'm stuck here and if I let her dogs out or even pass by her bedroom she's going to call the cops I don't know if that's a good or bad idea. I'm beyond exhausta and Mad they let this house get so d*mn bad I can't live in a dirty house and that's why I clean everything over and over but that smell just won't come out. I think it's going to take years
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I called animal control and they won't be out till next week
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Just keep cleaning.. let her call the cops or whatever. Then let them take her to the hospital for an eval! I could not live like that also. Will your Mom back you up? At least it sounds like you got some of it cleaned up! At least animal control is comming soon!
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My mom wants to help but it seams like I'm fighting a losing battle I don't understand why she thinks it's ok to be soooo nasty. Makes no d*mn sense to me at all. But from what I have been told she has been this bad her entire life and now it's just progressing way faster . My sisters daughter lives her also and I'm sure CPS will be notifed about the current situation.
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