
He was in the hospital for 4 days a year ago with what I thought might be a stroke. They said he'd had several prior TIAs but couldn't confirm one that day because of time. The Dr did say he suspected Vascular Dementia and he was supposed to go to a stroke clinic, heart dr and Neurologist after being discharged. He has refused to see any of them.
I worked with dementia clients in home health for 5 years and I'm sure that's what it is. He doesn't know who I am most days, only for short periods of time.
I have had to reschedule several appts because he refuses to go...I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do!!
I have a page full of symptoms to go over with the Dr. He sees people that aren't there, talks to himself in the mirror thinking its someone else. He forgets what to do when going to the restroom and I could go on and on...and he doesn't sleep, we're up into the morning hours...
I appreciate any advice you can give me 🙏🏼

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Discuss with MD. It sounds like he will have to be assessed in Hospital setting which means EMS called to transport by ambulance to admission for testing. Only MD can arrange a full assessment at this time.
Helpful Answer (3)
Grandma1954 Feb 2023
problem might be if he refuses transport they can't transport. He would have to answer basic question so they can "determine if he is able to make the decision to not be transported" so this could be a slippery slope.
Tell him that Medicare REQUIRES an Annual Wellness check and that you have scheduled his for --------- at 10:00 and it can not be changed or he will lose his insurance.
Helpful Answer (2)

So sorry that your hubby is being so stubborn about getting help and that he has so many serious symptoms.

I hope you have some help with your husband's needs! This is a LOT and you will burn out in a hot second.

I agree with the advice that you should just tell your hubby a little therapeutic fib to get him to the doctor. Tell him it's necessary yada yada.

When do you have an appt setup for? Start with the appt that you think is the most important and get him there. Get on the waiting list for cancellations to try to get in as quickly as possible. Such a pity that this is so long overdue. I think there may be some meds in his future - maybe something for the hallucinations and for the inability to sleep. You must be exhausted. Please take care of yourself!
Helpful Answer (2)
Thank you so much, we actually have an appt tomorrow. This is the 3rd one, he refused the other times at the last minute. I'm praying I can get him there tomorrow. I know he needs something to help him sleep and anything else that can calm him a little.
He sees people and things that aren't there and is very suspicious and unlike him!!! He can get angry and say nasty things and a minute later be as loving as's so unpredictable, I never know what's coming next!!!
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