
My mother who is 96 has slowly been getting dementia. Other than being extremely negative and not a pleasure to be around, I have noticed she has been making up new memories. I know these are new because these memories include me or things I know about.
Many revolve around food. Like how we ate certain food or how she cooked it. Things she never ever made and so on. I know it isn't anything major, but I have just noticed more of these little memories that never happened come up.
And now in her old age she has anxiety which she never did before. Winter is the worst. She is no longer pleasant and always plays the victim. I have a whole new respect for caregivers since I am now having to care for her.
I never want to put my kids in this position.

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I do not think she is intentionally "making up memories"
What may be happening is she sees something and it gets filed in her brain.
With the screwed up filing system of dementia that visual "memory" may seem like a "real memory".
My thought on this is do not let it stress you or do not argue with her. An argument with someone with dementia is an argument that you will never "win". It will do noting but upset her and you.
So...go with the flow.
or if you want to see where this goes..ask her more questions. Sometimes there may be a nugget of fact mixed with the "memory salad".
Helpful Answer (9)
kolea123 Nov 2022
I know she isn't making it up on purpose..she really believes everything she says.. There is so much more stuff`that I am not ready to get into but I am glad to know this part of a normal process.

Thank you!
somehow this posted 2 times. Can't leave this blank lighten up the day...
Hope everyone set their scale back 10 pounds this weekend.
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Without a doubt.

My mom was always making up the most amazing, fabulous stories. I would look at her and just go 'whaaaaat'?

She was watching an ancient re-run of Bonanza and said, matter of factly--"Oh, did you know Dick (her brother who has been deceased for 5 years) had Michael Landon over to the house for a BBQ and a swim?" (Ok, yes, my uncle DID know Michael Landon, he was in the entertainment industry)...but since both men have been gone for some time--obviously this was a HUGE story. Mom was adamant that it had happened 'last week'. And said that they were just the dearest of friends. Well, this may or may not have been true in the 60's but was not likely a current event. I couldn't talk her out of it, so I just rolled with it.

All her stories had her coming out the 'belle of the ball' kind of thing. I know she doesn't mean it and where in her brain these stories are percolating...

I don't think it's unusual and I don't think there's anything to do to change it. Just roll with it. Mom was far more fun to talk to when she was 'in a mood' than normally.

I wonder what I will be like when I am more 'crazy' than I am now. And if my kids will be talking about ME on a board like this?
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It’s normal around here. My mother’s broken brain has even made some of my life events her own. Most are harmless, some are hilarious. The only dangerous “memory” occurred the September she chewed me out daily because our pool heater broke. Parts were scarce - we’d deal with it in the spring. She claimed to be a lifelong swimmer and raged that she couldn’t swim her daily lengths. The reality is she hates and fears water, and cannot swim at all. We closed the pool early for her safety.
Helpful Answer (10)
againx100 Nov 2022
Your mothers brain is now broken so why wouldn't she be making up "supposed" memories? She can't help it, and the best thing you can do is to just go along with whatever she is saying as you now have to live in her world as she can no longer live in yours.
It will make your life so much easier to just go along with whatever she says and it will most certainly keep the peace which of course is priceless.
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Yes, confabulation is a known symptom of dementia. As for anxiety, there may be meds that could help her. Mention that to her doctor and hope he can prescribe something. This will not get better.

I have a friend whose memories are that our other friend has been stealing her toilet paper. Also all her new underwear and her soup pot. It does get weird sometimes. And - heads up - paranoia can go along with making up stuff. Such as not remembering that they put jewelry in a bank deposit box and thinking that people are trying to break into the house to get it. Or have broken into the house and took it. And are trying to kill them (which is bad because you never want the dementia patient to think they can retaliate in a violent way). Be prepared.
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JoAnn29 Nov 2022
Thats more a paranoia then a memory. But part of the Dementia journey.
I'm with you. I would never behave with my Kids the way/treat people the way she does, complain as she does. My Mom will be 80 in March. She makes up "memories" all the day long. I just tune out. I barely knew anyone her side of the family. She says she went to Loyola University in Chicago. Nope. She had my Sister at 18 & me at 20 and had moved to CA before I was born.

Your Mom is 96?!!! The thought of my Mom hanging on this long terrifies me. She is mean/nasty/arrogant/critical... Be good to yourself as best you can... How is your Mom's health? Do you have anyone else who pops around to visit-take a load off? You live with her? She has part time Caregivers? My Mom lives alone. I go up 2-3 times per month..
Helpful Answer (4)
kolea123 Nov 2022
It is pretty much me.. My brother died, and my sister doesn't have much longer.. My 19 year old lives with us but there is no one else to help or money to put her in a home.

Talk about burn out..she is exhausting and I try but if I ask her a question she accuses me of accusing her of something. My mother is pretty much no longer there..her personality is of someone else.
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I always suggest people look up Teepa Snow on YT when dealing with dementia, she will explain a lot and show ways of coping. Her older videos are longer with more information.

She isn't "making up" anything. She is experiencing organ failure and her brain is dying.
People don't get told that dementia is organ failure, and I think it one of the most egregious omissions in medical treatments.

Imagine how frightening and overwhelming it is to have your entire way of experiencing the world ripped to shreds and even your mind cannot be trusted.
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"Confabulation" is the stories the elders with dementia make up for God knows what reason, except that their brains are riddled with holes and no longer work properly. Yeah, they ARE 'making up stories' so you can call it whatever you like.........but they're invented stories that they believe, a/k/a confabulation. In fact, here is the definition:

Confabulation is a symptom of various memory disorders in which made-up stories fill in any gaps in memory.

My mother, when her dementia was advanced, started telling me these fantastic stories of how her 'girls' (at the Memory Care ALF) would take her and all of her belongings to a new & lovely hotel every night, but before hand, they'd take her to a fancy restaurant for a huge feast, and then to a club for some wonderful entertainment, then off to the fancy new hotel for the night. She'd say how exhausted she was from 'all that running around' when in reality, she'd never left the Memory Care campus.

When her Sundowning got bad and her false memories weren't so great, I got the PA to write her a script for Ativan .25 mgs which helped her A LOT, especially with the anxiety component. When hospice came on board, they increased the dose to .5 as needed, and she did quite well, all things considered. If you are going to take care of mom at home, get her PCP involved to write prescriptions as needed to help her AND you through this transition which can be very difficult. I don't think you're wrong to ask questions, or that your mom is 'wrong' to be acting as she is; it's just part & parcel of dementia which is a very difficult disease to manage for you, and for her to live through. #Truth. IMO, it's a lose-lose for all concerned; we lose ourselves in the caregiving role, and our mother's lose THEMSELVES to the dreadful disease they're afflicted with. I hate dementia with every ounce of my being.

I suggest you read this 33 page booklet (a free download) which has THE best information ever about managing dementia and what to expect with an elder who's been diagnosed with it.

Understanding the Dementia Experience, by Jennifer Ghent-Fuller

Jennifer is a nurse who worked for many years as an educator and counsellor for people with dementia and their families, as well as others in caring roles. She addresses the emotional and grief issues in the contexts in which they arise for families living with dementia. The reviews for her books are phenomenal b/c they are written in plain English & very easy to read/understand. Her writings have been VERY helpful for me.

The full copy of her book is available here:

Best of luck to you & your mom.
Helpful Answer (10)

I have an entire folder on my computer called "Stories About Dan," and it contains emails I sent to myself chronicling the adventures of my mother's imaginary husband. He was a real person -- her first boyfriend when she was 15 -- but she hadn't seen him since 1944 and he'd been dead for 10 years when she conjured his visits up out of thin air.

He magically appeared as her new husband a few weeks after my dad died, and for the next 2 1/2 years we were regaled with tales of his heroism. He worked for NASA and was on the roof of the nursing home dismantling a satellite that had crashed there, he was a telephone lineman, and he was a private pilot for the Kennedys and flew the whole family to Hyannis Port for the funeral of a Kennedy grandchild (someone was always dying in that family dontcha know), and Dan not only flew the plane with one hand, he held the dying infant in his other as it expired. (It had been born with only half a head, you know.)

These tales went on and on, and she even convinced a visitor that she had indeed remarried to the extent that said visitor trotted off to the Rotary Club newsletter editor, shared the news, and it was published in their monthly newsletter!

That was a fire I never expected to have to put out!

If you never want to do this to your children, I suggest at the first major medical crisis in your life, you decline major medical treatment and let Nature take its course.

That's how things went in this country as recently as the 1940s -- Crisis --> decline over the course of months, not years --> death. Now we have far too much medical intervention that allows us to live long enough for our brains to fail before our bodies, and I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Helpful Answer (16)
kolea123 Nov 2022
Thank you..those remind of the stories I heard about when Elvis the latest movie came out.. Now, she did meet him when she was younger but now she was friends with his parents and even had dinner with them.
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Oh the stories... My dad loved to watch Walker Tx Ranger,, until he "became" Chuck Norris,, LOL he would have done everything he watched. And he lived at some point in our WV neighbors house,, we could not get him over this story ever. If he saw a group of workers when we were going somewhere, he knew them all and they used to work for him, We just left it roll,, except we did stop watching Walker as he was getting fiesty!
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Isthisrealyreal Dec 2022
Pamzi, my dad loved Walker. He wouldn't pay for TV so I bought him the entire series and he wore them out watching them.

He said it was like having cable because they play the same thing over and over again.
TV and dreams become part of their reality. They can't tell the difference. Mom one time asked me if she had done this one thing. I said no, she said "must have dreamt it". Another time she told me the doctor wanted to talk to me. The Dr. was Dick VanDyke in diagnosis Murder. At the time I told her that was the TV and she seemed to realize it was.

Its all part of the brain dying.
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My mom creates stories that OBVIOUSLY aren't real and I am convinced she has dementia or something
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Hallmark Channel at least keeps weird fill-in memories pretty G rated.

When my husband had his stroke, when they left the TV on in his room he would get sucked into it often. As I was unable to be in the room (covid lockdowns) I asked the nurses to just keep it off. I could only "be with" him via ipad, so as far as he was concerned during recovery that was just how reality happens-- through speakers. Then his brain filled up with his own weird imaginings. I could see him playing with his ipad (that was on the table not in his hands) and vaping the pulse oximeter (or trying to. hes 6'4" and so they had to four-point him. he ket trying to throw himself out of bed to pee. while catheterized. no information to him was sticking in his memory or understanding.)

I'm finding a lot of similarities between that stroke/aneurysm recovery and my mom's gentle drifting off into space. (this is what my mom calls it herself. Lost in space.) She realizes after awhile that these rich vivid memories are actually the TV, and is getting scared that sometimes she does not.

She must have know it was happening for awhile - when she isn't feeling well, Hallmark is on consistently. When her brain "feels wrong" she leaves hallmark on, otherwise I think its whateverCBS lineup). She'd explained it before I can't remember the exact way she described it.

The beachcoming metaphor worked best. On the beach are these shells of memory, then the wave rushes in, sending them all tumbling, and she's left walking up and down the beach trying to figure out which shells are the ones she started with, and which are the new ones brought in by the tide
Helpful Answer (2)
Luta65 Nov 2022
Love that last paragraph, Caldenia, a beautiful way of describing the broken brain, awash with snippets of memory.
I keep my Mom's TV on Hallmark (in MC) all the time, it's very harmless. She's too often unable to change channels and anything akin to news is way too much for her. She sometimes changes channels when trying to shut the TV off and I call staff to change it back for her. I think it helps with loneliness to watch others in these pablum shows and they're always non-threatening.
My 96 year old dad does this all the time. I've learned to let it go. His memory care believes that he might be having dreams about some of this because he sleeps a lot.
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My mother thought she was going to marry Elvis. She bought the ring and would sit looking out the front window waiting for him. She sat in her special wheelchair pleating with her fingers whatever she could - a napkin, an afghan, the bottom of her jacket. It made her happy to have the memories of her courtship with him, even though it never happened. Died age 95, cause listed as dementia.
Helpful Answer (7)
KNance72 Nov 2022
My Mom started to see Elvis In Concert all the time . I Guess if your Guardian Angel is Elvis Thats a Pretty Good deal : ) They Listed My Moms death Inability to thrive But it was dementia .
My Moms stories got quite Intricate . Mostly about seeing Elvis in concert Many times . My son Kept asking Me " is this True I never heard that before . " When I had to Pick her up from her 80 Day Rehab stay - The Physical Therapist took me aside and asked which Sister I was ? He said " your Mother is Not Independent - she told Me Last night she saw the Beatles at the Melody tent a couple weeks ago . " I was Not healthcare proxy and Not privy to her medical care yet I took care of her alone for 2 weeks till the VNA Nurse arrived and we had to call 911 . My Mother kept saying " Its the weirdest thing I Can not smell or taste anything . I never thought something Like this would Happen to me . " It was awful she could Not stand and could hardly swallow and refused to eat . I Look at the stories as creative and a way of Making her Happy . One story she told me did not Make me Happy - in Fact It was quite upsetting . When she told me about Elvis I Just smiled .
Helpful Answer (2)

It's very common.
The anxiety may be due to low D3 and zero access to sunlight; you could have her checked for it and have it supplemented. She may also be sun-downing and increasingly intolerant of the longer winter days.
My Mom, at 88, was talking to me last evening about how we should do potluck for our XMas dinner and told me she'd been shopping all day. I just talked about recipes with her for the remainder of the call.
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My BIL doesn't have Dementia (that we know of), but he had a stroke when he was young. Since then, he's constantly making up memories. It's called "confabulation". Their brain makes up memories, but they 100% believe it happened. Their mom passed over 10 years ago, but he has stories of her being around more recent. She had difficulty walking, but he says they went for long walks all the time. We've stopped correcting him unless it's something very important. To him, he's been skydiving, climbed mountains, etc. All things he's never done and would never do.
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Lizhappens Dec 2022
That is critically important to not correct them other than maybe once in a blue moon. The stories are harmless.
My dad is 96 and was in management at the same company for 35 years. He continues to focus on his role as a manager and that he's been entrusted with overseeing others at his MC center. He says he's been trusted with documents (a pile of used napkins) and was extremely agitated when they were discarded. He has many wild stories and the director at the MC believes some of them might be dreams. I've just learned to go along with them. He has been on anti anxiety meds for about 5 years. Sadly, he is back to 'fixating' more again. Things have taken on a new importance like his watch going out. I tried to get the old one fixed but was unable to a few weeks ago so I bought him a new one. It was a big deal to him. As of Saturday, he does not remember anything about all of this and believes a 'man' brought it. (I am his daughter and legal guardian/ conservator).
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Yes it is normal. I would just let it go. there is medication for the anxiety, lorazepam, and I think what you’re describing is what we called sundowners where they get worse towards evening and winter time.

My Mrs. was very similar. Caution-the lorazepam can knock her out. we cut it up in quarters as best we could so as to calm her down versus knock out.
If you get a caregiver, get nanny cams for the protection of your valuables, sentimental or otherwise, actually just lock them all up, and the protection of her and to make sure they’re doing their job.
I had one caregiver everybody liked and I fired her and they asked why. I showed them the nanny cam tape where she was acting arrogant and rude and actually kicked the misses and gave her a bruise. Another caregiver wrote in the log that she got up all night and did her job but I checked the cam and she hadn’t done anything.
Also, Hide the medication or someone will give it to her to knock her out so they don’t have to deal with her.
You really need to look into all the caregiving stuff and get educated.
get help - sounds like you can see down the road that burn out is in your future if you don’t otherwise. Good luck and God bless you because you are her angel.😇
Helpful Answer (4)

This is normal, my aunts used to make up the most ridiculous stories. You just have to let yourself become amused by them. When depression, anxiety or just plain meanness starts rearing it's head, put on music from your mom's era - it really helps!
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My mother does not have dementia, per se, but I have observed something similar happening for years. I don't know if personality has anything to do with it, but she has always had an excellent memory and never admits to being wrong about anything. She occasionally will tell a very detailed story that I know did not happen, or did not happen the way she is telling it. I am not sure when it started, because I am sure there are times when she remembered detailed stories that I wasn't paying that much attention to. But now I notice the changes in stories that I have heard her tell all my life that have fundamentally changed. I think she, or her brain, cannot accept not being able to remember details so it just fills in the blanks. I do not challenge or correct her unless there is very compelling reason to do so. (My mother also has extreme anxiety and is very negative.)
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KPWCSC Dec 2022
Learn to Cope.... See my response to kolea123 above.
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She isn’t having new memories per se. Her mind is just mixed up, as it happens with dementia. Anxiety is also a part of dementia. Ask the Dr for an anti anxiety med and see if that helps.

Caregiving is one of the most difficult challenges a person can ever face. Now that you see this, if possible, get your own ducks in a row. Get long term health ins if you can afford it, get your will, living will and advance directives made clear now, so your kids won’t have as much to deal with. You need to do these things when your mind is clear.
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When my husband with Parkinson's was tested by the neuro-psychologist I mentioned several events like you describe. She was able to put a name to the issue... CONFABULATION... or Honest Lying because the person believes what they are saying. So, the same as others here have suggested, confabulation may be what your mother is exhibiting... it is a real symptom of brain disorders such as dementia.

Search the term Confabulation in and you will see a lot of links to websites that provide more insights. Just be sure the sites you use are medical sites... NIH, Mayo, WebMD, Medical Universities, etc. to get clearer information. It goes along with a lot of brain disorders.

If the stories are not about untrue frightening events, it doesn't necessarily need treatment with medicine as many have suggested but definitely needs more patience and understanding on the part of the caregiver. Knowing the name for the issue has definitely helped me ignore his statements and cope better as a 24/7 caregiver. It is still hard to listen to him say things in public that I know not to be true especially when those listening may not be aware of his condition.

Note to Learn2Cope... my husband did this long before I was completely aware of just how much his cognitive decline had become an issue. You may want to discuss this with her doctor.
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My mother hasn’t been diagnosed with dementia but her cognitive decline is something her geriatrician is aware of.
My mother has been gradually remembering things I have done as things she did for a long time. Sometimes she was there at the time but not in the role she claimed. It used to drive me nuts and I felt like she was gradually stealing my life. As it has gotten worse I have learned to let her have her “memories” since they mean so much to her. We have similar interests but she encouraged me to follow them where her family and the culture at the time would not let her do the same things. In a way she can finally feel like she has done them and it makes her happy. It is a compliment that she has chosen my life to take in as her memories. After she is gone my memories will be my own again so if she needs to borrow them for a while that’s ok.
So far she hasn’t had any personality changes, she has always been stubborn! You do have your hands full!
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kolea123 Dec 2022
Mine literally has has a major personality change..she is no longer the same person..
Not sure if this will work for patient, but my daughter lived in a foggy city and used a "S.A.D." light that tricked her brain into thinking those days were summer sunny.
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Elizabeth147 Dec 2022
Actually a SAD light, if you get the right kind, is proved to be effective in helping people out of depression, especially Seasonal Affective Disorder. Whatever kind of light rays it shines -- they're something people need, and some people get quite low if they don't have them and better with the light.

I wonder about whether one of these could work for some demented people if their mood is low. They have directions on them, you are supposed to sit where it will shine onto your eyes for some period of time, like 30 minutes. You can put next to a laptop you're looking at, for example.

There's solid research about these.
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Not only did my mom have false memories, she remembered those memories very well, while forgetting real happenings. For months she remembered that "a relative" of ours who worked at the bank had called and told her she had to move out of the house because she only had $400 left. I storied back and convinced her that the $400 was what she had in one account at that particular bank, but she had much more at another bank. I showed her how much she had coming in every month. That would settle it for about an hour, then she would come with the same memory of the phone call, same amount of money, worried how she was going to move and where. I decided to tell her that the relative was nuts, which she agreed with, and then would go on about all her relatives being nuts. She was convinced for several months that a group relatives had written to say they were going to come visit. They were all actually dead. She didn't want to let them in, so closed the blinds and turned off all the lights. I told her they would call first, to which she would answer, "You don't know my relatives", and I'd say I did because they were mine too. But it turned out in further conversation that they weren't her real relatives. Hilary Clinton was one of them and I'd never heard of the rest. This went on and on for months. Then one day she was all dressed up, sitting in the living room, blinds open, lights on. She had decided to let them in. My heart hurt for her.
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It is called confabulation.
It is not unusual, but it is not the "normal" functioning of a healthy brain.
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