
I wanted to know does the bipolar depression go away by treating with seroquel?
Is there anyone who knows any other better antidepressant that helps with depression?
Thank you everyone

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No one on this forum can remotely diagnosis or prescribe medications for you. This forum is about giving and receiving care. Do you have a care giving question? I'm sorry for your struggles with depression. I hope you can get the answers you seek by talking to a psychologist or psychiatrist who can see you personally.
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Sorry, but we are a forum of caregivers sharing our experiences. We have a few nurses as members, but I do think this is something you need to discuss with a Mental Health expert.
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I have a 'friend' who is about to undergo Ketamine treatment for her mental illness issues (Bi-polar. OCd and severe depression) I do not know much about it, but my psych doc has said he's seen amazing results in people for whom the 'usual' drugs were not effective.

It is an in-hospital tx--they knock you out and administer the Ketamine. Then, monitor you for a period of time. Sorry I don't know more.

It is not a cure, anymore than AD's are a cure, but you don't take a daily med afterwards, again, this comes only from a friend and doing some reading.

One thing I DO know from friends with BiPolar--don't go on and off your meds when you feel fine. That is a recipe for disaster. Stay close to your prescribing doc and keep on the regimen they prescribe.

We're not doctors and what we tell you is simply our opinions. Talk to your doc.

I take Seroquel at night for sleep and it knocks me out. I hope you're not that 'sleepy' all day.
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