
My mom 86 years old has fallen many times due to her arthritis knees. She looses her balance her knees get locked and she falls. She uses a walker. Please let me know what should I do.

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Take this coming from a science guy who thinks all this health supplements wholistics stuff is malarkey.

Try glucosamine supplements. I give it to grandma for her knees. When she's off of it, she complains that her knees hurt too much to stand up. When she's on it she stops complaining. Considering she has no idea I'm giving to her, it's just in the mass of pills she takes everyday, there's no placebo effect. So I will have to accept that it does something.
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But how can she operate the wheelchair alone with Dementia she will forget to lock it and that is even more dangerous what should I do
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Ahmijoy May 2019
Is your mother living alone with no one to assist or supervise her? If she has mobility issues and is a fall risk, that in addition to her dementia would make me research a facility or 24/7 in-home care. How severe is her dementia? She may be capable of setting the brake if it’s not too severe.
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My mother had this too...also in her spine.

the orthopedic began injections into the joints of her knees of hyaluronic acid. This worked wonders!!!

It is is the same stuff that is already naturally in your joints, this is like pumping up the shock worked great.

see if this can help her too
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Noush123 May 2019
We tried that injection and for the first 2 days it was great but as of the third day everything went back the way it was. How often can we inject that
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Sad to say, but Ahmijoy is absolutely correct....a wheelchair is a definite necessity. There is a lot medications can do to provide relief, but once arthritis has done this much damage, the only thing would be pain management and the possibility of joint replacement. And at 86, depending on her general health, surgery may not be the best option. If she doesn’t already have one, I would find a good Rheumatologist ASAP. They can advise the best course of action.
This is a painful, chronic disease.....I hope your mom finds some relief.
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Noush123 May 2019
How can she operate the wheel chair alone she has Dementia she may get forget to lock it she trying to get out of it To go to toilet or bed and that is also dangerous
Your poor mother. How painful that must be for her. What does her doctor say? What treatment has her doctor suggested? Since each step she takes must cause her such great pain and she is falling, it’s time for a wheelchair. Get the weight off those knees!
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Noush123 May 2019
my mom lives with her friend as a roommate she helps out but I do not expect her to supervise her 24/7. I do not live with her I asked her many times to come and live with me but she wants her independent I do not know what to do
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