
My Dad died 14 years ago.  He was retired Army and servered in WWII and Korea twice.  He never received VA benefits.  My Mom is now 89 and does not need to live on her own any longer. She can not afford assisted living and needs VA benefits badly! What do I do?

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Go up to Money and Legal and click on Veterans Assistance.
Helpful Answer (2)

You can find the forms on VA website for Aid and Attendance. She may also be eligible for her husbands pension (check VA website or call VA directly). I would not pay anyone to do these forms for her. I applied for Aid and Attendance for my dad and he was approved in just a few months . Mail in application even if you do not have all the required documentation yet. VA will make the benefit retroactive to the date application received. Once approved her first payment will include benefits owned since application date. Also, add mothers age to the outside of the envelope as this will expedite the processing.
Helpful Answer (2)

Review some of the questions on this same subject as asked by others:

And don't even consider paying someone to help you; it's illegal for someone to charge, but they get away with it because people aren't informed or don't research what's available in the form of free assistance.

As suggested in other similar posts, locate either a county VA office or service organizations that can help. They're skilled in handling these and can do so in a fraction of the time it takes an individual to come up to speed on what's necessary.
Helpful Answer (2)

Depends on the state. My mom moved near my sister in Texas because the state had VA money. California and Arizona didn't. I believe she got $1700, enough to pay for her rent in a retirement facility. Not assisted living, but it might help you anyway. Good luck. This all seems confusing, but you are very lucky to have thise benefits, even if it takes filling out forms...ugh, but necessary. Maybe a Senior Center can help.
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It takes quite some time to be approved for VA benefits. So get started immediately if possible. You CAN apply on your own a lot of people go through attorney's to get approved but some charge in to the thousands to go get it that way. I would find someone who has been through it and get them to help you apply to ensure it is approved within 6 months to a year..
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Oops..I meant "benefits owed".
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