Alcoholic. She is getting demented, angry if she doesn't get her way and very mean to her daughters. Is there anyway we can get the situation under control? She hangs up on us or calls and tells us to do something that she thinks she is having a severe health problem but yet when one of us go there to help she is dressed to the nines and smiling saying it all passed. Years of alcohol has definetly affected her mind but if a doctor tells her to quit drinking she doesn't go back to him. She recently inherited some money thru my step-sister who passed away and Mom is spending it like water. She lives in a Senior Apartment Place and has no other money for her future. All advice with this situation would be helpful.
As for the money--it's like has been stated. Depends on her age. My 95-year old Aunt is currently living with me. In 2006, after her husband had died and selling her home, had in the neighborhood of $250,000. No children. Just a cousin in the another city, myself and my parents (dad was her brother). She spent the money as if it were going to burn a whole in her pocket. She bought some nice presents but she wasted most of it on JUNK...CRAP...from catalogs. Anytime we said anything to her about keeping some money aside she flat out said it was none of our damn business. It was her money. By 2012, my Dad had passed, she had moved in with my Mom based on an agreement that she would keep money aside to take care of herself cause my Mom could not. She had begun having medical problems, had virtually no money left. So when my Mom passed, she moved to my cousins in Mobile. That was when we learned about money and Medicaid and nursing homes, etc.
Because she had wasted all that money, she could not qualify for Medicaid. But I don't think she cared if someone had to care for her because she was determined to stay "home" and not go to a facility. When my cousin's wife passed, the task of caring for my Aunt has shifted to me. I love her but anytime her spending from the past comes up she just says it doesn't matter cause she wants to stay home. If your Mom is an alcoholic, there is nothing you can do about her spending. If your Mom isn't an alcoholic, there is nothing you can do about her spending. And my guess is she's expecting that you and your siblings will take care of her so why save the money. Take the legal route and save yourself some future difficulties and heart ache. Good luck.
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