
This is painful for her and involves her middle, ring and pinkie fingers. I am trying to come up with something I can make relatively cheap to put in her hand to keep her nails from cutting into the palm of her hand. Any suggestions?

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Maybe a squeezie thing they give you when you donate blood. I've seen things on the medical supplies websites for this purpose. I don't really know about making something at home. Look at the hardware store for foam wrap. Like you would put around pipes to insulate. Maybe that would be small enough to fit in the palm of her hand. Keeping it in place is what puzzles me, would you have to wrap it like with an ace bandage or would the pressure of her fingers keep it in place? Could you sew up a tube and stuff it with something like quilt batting or old socks or something else washable? Stuff it until you get the firmness you want. My mom's contracture is in her legs, so far we haven't had to deal with the hand, but I've seen this. I'll bet it's a challenge trimming those nails. Let us know what you do, you never know but someone else is dealing with this too.
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Thks Givingmyall! Those are good suggestions!Last night while looking at my scraps in my craft room, I came up with quilted fabric, added some batting, cut and sewed it in shape I want....I am going to try this today. A neighbor suggested i add some velcro but I am afraid of the roughness since her skin is fragile. I will let you know how it holds up!
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I've been searching online and I notice many of the hand splints have finger separators as well as a pad for the palm. I don't know if this would work, but I thought of making something from those inexpensive mini gloves, stuffing the palm and then pulling the fingers of the glove between hers???
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Cwillie, It took me a few minutes of rereading your poet but I get it now! I am going to try that altho I am not sure I can get the glove fingers in between hers... That is a good idea! I did make a few half circle models from quilted fabric yesterday and am thinking of adding a 12" piece of ribbon and putting velcro at the end (to put around her wrist) so she wont lose it....
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