
Hi my mum was in a nursing home with vascular dementia for 2.5 years. She sadly passed away at Easter.
My dad is beside himself and I don’t know how to help him

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I am sorry for your loss. Grief is natural and Easter is not long ago. Call dad daily to check in. Was mom on hospice? If so, hospice has support for the family at no charge. Otherwise find dad a grief support group when he is ready. It has really been a very short time.
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I too am sorry for your loss, especially during a holiday season.

I would spend as much time as possible with your father, not trying to redirect his thoughts as he'll need to process your mother's death in his own way. But I would support him as much as I could, take him for walks and interaction with nature (which can provide soothing and calming), and bond with him as much as you can.

Sometimes just nice talks and letting him express his grief can be the most helpful. He may also need to channel his grief into projects to redirect his attention. What hobbies did he have? Does he enjoy walking in the woods, or in natural settings?

Do you have close family members who can contact him as well and offer support?
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I am sorry for your families loss.

May God grant you all grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time.

Just love him and reminisce about the good times with mom. It will take time for him to find his balance and new normal.
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