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You should talk to the Hospice Nurse with any questions or concerns u have. She/he should be available by phone 24/7. If not, then you call the agency.

You cannot send your friend to the hospital. It will void her hospice care. The whole point of Hospice is the person is dying. So its now comfort care. Meds for the pain, if any. The person stops eating and drinking because the body is shutting down. They lose the ability to swallow. To force food and drink does more harm than good.

Again, you need to call the nurse. She can advice you what u should and should not do. She should be coming more often as your friends time draws near or at least keeping in touch daily.

So sorry.
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Get your friend to the ER for rehydration.
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JoAnn29 Oct 2021
Friend is on Hospice per her Profile.
Your profile states your friend is 81 and:

"I am caring for my elderly friend who is on hospice..."

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Call your friend's hospice nurse for guidance, is the only thing you can do, really. And keep offering her juicy fruits and beverages.
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