
She is started to be bedridden a few days ago. She has a fever but she is sweating on the upper body but her feet are cold. She was just fine a week ago. Please any ideas.?? She is 79. We got two physicians visited us but they took it for granted that this is Covid 19 but her SpO2 level is decent. She now has intake of fluids such as milk and chicken soup only. She also has bed sores. I need answers please.

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Has she been tested for Covid 19, yes or no? If not, do that. If you don't know how, Google "how do I get a PCR test?"

Not everybody becomes severely ill with Covid even if they are 79, the effects vary from person to person and you can't assume the doctors are wrong just because the O2 level is okay.

But all the same, just because your grandmother isn't experiencing poor blood oxygen doesn't mean she doesn't feel dreadful - did the doctors tell you how to relieve your grandmother's other symptoms? Does she complain of feeling ill?

Where on her body are the bed sores, and what kind of day to day care is your grandmother receiving? Are you trying to do this yourself, do you have any help, or what?
Helpful Answer (1)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
Although she hasn't been tested for it,the doctor gave her medications on it and we are giving her regularly. Her condition won't develop and worsen as she started trembling.
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Please get her to the hospital. She needs a medical evaluation, help for possible dehydration, and care for the bedsores. Call 911 and have her transported
Helpful Answer (3)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
Unfortunately she lives in Myanmar which is a country that's literally unavailable for medical care.😢😢😢 She can't go to the hospital.The hospital won't allow the patients.
Hegil2222, for the bedsores- need to keep pressure off of the area, roll her on her side and put pillows to keep her on her side. Is there some antibiotics that can be purchased at the store? Allow air to flow around area. Once sore is healing, always put zinc cream on area. If possible, order a mattress that is electric and shoots air in random pockets in mattress. If diet allows, feed mother fresh pineapple, zinc supplements and vitamin C(you may have to crush or put in shake).
Helpful Answer (1)
MJ1929 Jul 2021
She needs protein for bedsores to heal.
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Sounds like her body is trying to fight off an infection of some kind, with having a fever and sweating. She needs to be on some sort of antibiotic, but you first need to find out exactly what is going on. Can you not take her to the hospital, where they can run further tests?
Another thought I had with the shaking, is that she may be having seizures. Again, she needs to be taken to a hospital.
I have to say shame on your visiting Dr.'s for assuming that she has Covid, without even testing her. That is very irresponsible on their part, and they should lose their licenses.
As far as the bedsores, make sure you are turning her in the bed frequently, and keeping them covered,(as they tend to ooze)with medicated cream, and clean bandages. You can put pillows under the areas where the sores are to keep pressure off of them.

I just read further down your response saying that where your grandmother lives they are not allowing patients in the hospital. I mean WTF? What is a hospital without patients??? That makes absolutely no sense. How does the government there allow that?
You may need to get her out of that country, so she can receive the care she needs and deserves. Wishing you and your grandmother the best.
Helpful Answer (2)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
The country is under the coup.Many people has lost their lives.I am extremely worried for my grandma there's literally nothing I can do to take her to the hospital.You can browse about Myanmar you will see how I mean How bad the situation the country is under.
If your GM was in a different country, I'd suggest going to the ER, immediately.    Although I can't recall specifically, one of my father's critical and life threatening experiences involved similar symptoms.  I do recall that profuse sweating was involved, as well as multiple other conditions.

A good sat rate is positive though.   If you have anything like hunting socks, you can use them on her feet to keep them warm.   What about her legs?  Are they cold or sweating?   I don't know these symptoms well enough to suggest anything, but I think the other medical people here might have comments or insights into a cold lower body but a hot upper body.   Infection, maybe?  

Chicken soup is an all time healer, so it's good that she has access to that.  

I don't know what to suggest, given the state of unrest in Myanmar.   It's so unfortunate that some countries are subject to hordes of out of control rebels.
Helpful Answer (1)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
Oh goodness. A lesson in the things we take for granted.

Heqil, are you sure the pressure (bed) sores *are* pressure sores? You say your grandmother was fine a week ago, and at 79 she is not extremely old. Did the two doctors who visited her examine her physically?
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Heqil2222 Jul 2021
Nope they didn't.They said she has mucus in her chest and throat and just assumed that It was Covid
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Heqil, do you have access to any kind of health food store?

I recommend colloidal silver for the bed sores, which could be infected and causing this fever and chills. Spray it on 3 to 4 times a day and then cover with raw honey, losely cover with gauze or even a clean T-shirt. I am not a doctor I just prefer natural remedies when possible and considering that you are in a situation that denies medical help, perhaps some natural remedies can help. You can also put a half teaspoon under her tongue for internal immune boost.

Even though grandma is sweating, keep her warm but, keep her as dry as possible, changing her bedding and clothes as needed for this. Bathe her everyday.

Give her as much chicken soup and the broth that she will take. I think that milk can cause mucus and should be avoided, give her lemon water (any citrus is good) instead but, really focus on the chicken broth as the 1st fluid. Spoonfuls as often as she will take it, dehydration is a real danger.

Keep her moving, don't let her lay in the same position for more then 2 hours and keep her off the sores as much as possible.

Help her take deep breathes, if possible. This is important to keep her lungs clear.

May God come on the scene and lay HIS healing touch on your grandma, may HE give you wisdom to deal with this situation and may HE touch your country and bring peace.
Helpful Answer (5)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
Thank you so much
Will try my best.
With the best will in the world, I don't see we can possibly advise - poor grandmother's own doctors haven't examined her, we don't know what has caused the skin to break down suddenly (within 1 week) on her bottom and both hips, we don't know there wasn't an infection to start with, we don't know if there's been a previous injury and this is sepsis, we don't know if the lady does or doesn't have Covid - heavens to murgatroyd, it could be absolutely anything.

Heqqil, who can you contact for advice? I appreciate that conditions are extremely difficult but if you're in a city there must *be* a hospital or a clinic or something you can at least telephone, no?

What equipment and basic medicines do you have in the home?
Helpful Answer (1)
Heqil2222 Jul 2021
We got the doctors instructions and they think she is already in her final condition 😞
Does her bedsores look clean with out any drainage? Is she running a temp? I hope she is not septic. I wish she could go the the ER. That is what I would suggest if at all possible but I know by your post it is difficult to get treatment right now. The two doctors can't just say she has Covid without testing to confirm. This is a very sad post and I feel so sorry for your grandmother. Sending thoughts and prayers to your dear grandmother.
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Whole body: low blood pressure, chills, dizziness, fatigue, fever, flushing, low body temperature, or shivering
Respiratory: fast breathing or shortness of breath

I'm so sorry for your situation.
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Thank you all who give their worries to my grandma.I couldn't post an edit up there in the question. The doctor has told that she ready to go.We decided keep her comfortable and thank you again.😞😞😞
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Heqqil I'm so sorry that there seems so little that can be done for her. I hope you and your family are able to comfort her and each other.
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Heqil, I'm sorry that your grandmother is so close to passing, and I hope you and your family will be able to be with her during this sad and challenging time.   But given the limitation of the geopolitical situation, it might spare her more discomfort and illness.

Before I read your update, I did think of some agencies that might potentially offer assistance, but I suspect the time framework for their involvement might not be conducive under the circumstances.

Just FYI, though, I thought of the WHO, Doctors w/o Borders, American (or other nation's) Red Cross.    I think Doctors w/o Borders might be the quickest to respond, but they also if I understand correctly, provide services over wide areas, and I don't know how their selections and services are chosen and applied.

May you and your family be comforted by knowing that your grandmother has the support of her family at this difficult time.
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Heqil, I am praying for your dear grandmother and family. Hope she passes quickly and peacefully with family surrounding her giving her much support at a very difficult time.
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