
My mom is 32 years old. She is hallucinating ‎she thinks there is a guy stalking her and hacking her and I have seen her phone it is normal and all are phones are, she always screams and says that she wants to kill him she even tried suicide this has been going for three years now she is not even taking pills because she thinks that all of this is real, what should I do?

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You are a minor child? If you are a student you should talk to a trusted teacher or counselor and explain what is going on. You have concerns about your mother but this behavior she is exhibiting may become a danger to you. Do you have a friend or other family member you could stay with while your mother is helped? Your mother is in need of mental health first aid. She may be having a psychotic episode where she may hurt herself or others. Even if she doesn't do dangerous things she needs help to deal with this health problem. I suggest you call the National Suicide Hotline for advice 1-800-273-8255 or text Talk to 741 741. Take action soon and stay safe. If there is a crisis call 911.
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Is there anyone else you can talk to about this?
I am guessing if your mom is 32 you are very young and should not be trying to handle this yourself. There are many things that can cause people to hallucinate. Medical conditions, medications (legal, illegal, prescribed or not) and the reason for the hallucinations needs to be diagnosed properly and in some cases that can take a while as well as getting them under control.

If at any time you feel that you are in danger you need to LEAVE the house right away and call 911
If at any time you think your mom is in danger of hurting herself you need to call 911 right away.
If at any time you think your mom will hurt anyone else you need to call 911.
You have to keep yourself safe at all times.

You are smart to know this is something that you can not nor should handle on your own.
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You’ve gotten good advice so I don’t want to be repetitive. What I want to add is that you’re not alone in your experience. When I was younger and my parents split up, I was stuck living with my mom who suffered mental illness that was compounded by substance abuse and suicide attempts. My father and siblings moved away and left me alone to deal with her. I was only 10. It was an awful and isolating way to grow up, so it hurt me to read that you are going through something similar. You already know it, but any time you feel you or your mom’s safety is at risk, you run somewhere safe while you’re calling 911. Also, please reach out to They have a crisis line, a chat line and a long term internet mentoring program. They can help you through this, especially if you were like me and feel you have no where else to turn. And I’m here. I’m not a professional but I survived my own story and will listen if you want to vent, rant, cry, anything. Please let us know how you’re doing. Hugs!
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