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Was she denied because she's not financially qualified or because she's not MEDICALLY qualified?
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You find out why she was denied.
You reapply
You may have to repeat the above.
You can get someone to help with the paperwork, or at least look over what you have filled out just to make sure nothing has been missed.
If "all she has for assets is money in her account" it makes a BIG difference if the money in her account is $1,000,000.00 or 1000.00
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If she has money, she self pays until the money runs out. If there is another reason what is it?
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At 76 your Mom gets Social Security, maybe a pension? 7 Is she over the monthly income level? Does she have more in the bank then the asset level allowed? My state allows you to spend down within 90days from Date of application. It was mentioned on the forum some States may require the person to be spent down before application. Who helped you with the application, a Social Worker? Was all info needed given to Medicaid in a timely manner? Was it given at all? My State allows 90 days for all info need to be sent.

From your profile you Mom is 24/7 care with Dementia. This should get her into LTC. Once u find out the reason for thecdenial, call the caseworker on the denial and ask what you need to do saying that you cannot care for her.
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Can you qualify for Medicaid because of medical issues alone? A 67-year-old has dementia. He is over the threshold by $177.22 @ Medicaid monthly income and has zero after paying his bills every month.
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