
My sister went to stay with my mom because she says that someone going to harm her and hides where the tell her to go.

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Is this unusual behaviour for Mom. If so, she could be suffering from UTI. You need to get her to the doctor to be tested.

If ur asking if this is a Dementia, I would say that it could be but again, Mom needs to see her doctor. Labs should be run to make sure there is no physical problem going on.
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Your mother should not be living in Independent Living while suffering from this level of ALZ/dementia. It will only worsen as it progresses, so if she thinks someone is trying to harm her now and is hiding, you need to move her to Memory Care Assisted Living asap, providing your profile is accurate, b/c your post is not very clear. Your mother should not be living alone in this condition, not by any means! It's unsafe and she can wind up wandering away or setting the stove on fire, or any number of other dangerous catastrophes can befall her!!

Good luck!
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Sounds like she is hallucinating? Sounds scary and she should not be alone if this is more than an isolated incident.
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