
Yesterday, Alaska time, I took my Mother too the emergency room, while there she began to go through changes. The changes were getting out of hand, she wanted to leave, she said she was going to walk out, and that was that. Now today, she is walking around with her arm, jacked up and there is nothing wrong with her arm. They took all the necessary x-rays, and even her electro cardio gram was fine too.

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Have you asked her about pain? She could have a sort of "frozen shoulder" injury, which often doesn't show on xray.
Hard to know what this is, but you are ruling out the right things in the right way.
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I don't know if it is common, but my mom will often hold her two hands up in the air in stiff, awkward-looking positions while she is sitting watching TV. She can't explain what she is doing or why.
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There is no normal, everyday it is something new. I've learned to just go with the flow and leave it at that.
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Dementia causes people to do some pretty strange things. I know when I'm with certain clients, I find myself excusing and going down to do laundry. I make sure they are safe first watching tv. Some days can be calm and other days I'm ready to go the nearest pub! Even though I don't drink.
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My mother had rotator cuff issues. She also had Parkinson’s disease. She wasn’t a candidate for surgery due to her age. Shoulder problems are painful.

My mom’s doctor ordered home health for mom because physical and occupational therapy can help with pain and flexibility. Ask your mother’s doctor if she would benefit from home health.

My husband had rotator cuff surgery on both of his shoulders. I saw firsthand how painful it is. I spoke with his surgeon after his surgeries. Shoulder issues are distressing.
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