
This may seem trivial, but my 88 year old Mom, who is legally blind is not vain, but still has pride in the way she looks, which I feel is a good thing. She still makes sure shes does her hair and makeup every day. However, because she can't see, her eyebrows and makeup are always globbed on and it looks like a 2 year old was playing with her Mommy's makeup. I've gently offered to help her several times, but she declines my help, and I haven't been able to bring myself to tell her that her it's kind of a mess. I don't want to hurt her feelings or say something that would make her give up on keeping up her appearance. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could help Mom with this? PS- I also tried getting her a super-magnified mirror, but it doesn't help.

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Could you change the makeup she is using?.... thus, instead of a liquid foundation, use a compact powder. For the eyebrows, switch out for a lighter color pencil.... same with the blush and lipstick. Or see if she could use a pencil lipstick instead of using tube lipstick. Maybe a cherry Chapstick would work.

If Mom balks at the change of color, tell her her favorite colors are no longer available because the style now a days is the *natural look*.
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Oh dear, I really don't have any advice I just wanted to say bless her heart. Maybe she just likes the familiar act of putting on her makeup. Little things like that can be have surprising importance in making a person feel secure.
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I think Freqflyer has the right approach. Use softer colors so it won't show up as much. Good luck - you've got a tightrope to balance with your mom on this one.
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Nothing on here is trivial. I love your advocacy for your mother. I agree with Blannie.
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id get some darker and louder colors and put some of the video footage on youtube . sounds hilarious to me .
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