
My husband has 8 children, two of which are across the country and not able to be here and one who is developmentally disabled and lives with us; that leaves 6 children that live locally.

My husband is 84 and I am 47.

I have been caregiving alone for a long time now (over 5 years). I have given up precious time with my own family and any semblance of life outside my home and caregiving responsibilities.

I am currently trying to secure honest and reliable home care for a small amount of time throughout the week.

My question is this: Should I write an open letter asking for each of my husband’s children to come sit with their Dad once a month? Or stay over 24 hours so that I can leave and visit family?

Two of my children live about 3 hours from us (they moved closer to be near us). I would really like the freedom to go visit my children and grandchildren without the responsibility of being a caregiver for my visit.

I am so blessed that two of my children and one of their spouses (both in their 20’s) have come down a number of times to visit and help with things around the house. They want to make sure Mom is okay and know the great responsibility that I am carrying.

His kids are from 35-62 and it’s rare we see them; they live locally and Covid isn’t the reason they don’t show up.

I'm just really tired and wanted to know if you thought sending out a letter would be a good idea or even appropriate.

Thank you in advance ♥️

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EmmaSue, this is what you posted almost two years ago:󪫮

Your need regular respite from caregiving. If this comes from family members, that's great, but nothing you've ever written about his kids makes me think they are going to step up. Nor, frankly, is it their responsibility to do so.

Can you find a facility that can take them both for a week at a time?
Helpful Answer (4)
EmmaSue Oct 2020
Good question. I’ll have to see. Kind of tricky especially for my stepdaughter.

I guess I was just raised differently I always think that making sure to look out for your parents and grandparents is just part of what you do.
I was raised to make sure that my kids WOULDN'T have to look after me, lol.

Yes, of course I made sure that my mother was in a good care situation. But I would not do hands on care.
Helpful Answer (8)

EmmaSue, go ahead and write the open letter. But don't send it.

Write it to help *you* clarify what exactly you would like from them. You've already got as far as suggesting, e.g., come and sit with him once a month. Come and stay overnight so that you can go and visit your own family. The next step is to make a start.

Say it's your grandchild's birthday on November 14th, or something. What you would like is for DH's child + spouse to arrive on the Friday and stay until Sunday, leaving you free to set off early on Saturday morning and return after lunch on Sunday.

That's one specific project with one set of specific "asks."

Then get on the phone and ask.

As a rule of thumb: when you want to ask someone to do something for you, the best thing is to identify what it is and then ask yourself if it's a reasonable request. Is it reasonable to ask any of these grown adults to come and stay with their Dad for two nights? Would you mind somebody *asking* you to do that, if you were in their shoes? - I can't see why you would mind, always on the understanding that they're free to say no with no hard feelings.

So ask them nicely and see what they say. Try not to have any assumptions about how they'll react, but I honestly can't see why they'd take it badly. Can you?
Helpful Answer (9)
EmmaSue Oct 2020
Thank you CountryMouse. I will write that letter to myself and destroy it. I think that you gave some really good advice and I will try implementing it ♥️
"I guess I was just raised differently I always think that making sure to look out for your parents and grandparents is just part of what you do. "

Making sure to look out for our loved ones does not necessarily mean to provide hands on care. Even in a facility you will still be looking out for him, just in a different way that will allow you to have a life.

Sounds like it is time. You have done more than many people are able to do. The kids will most likely turn a blind eye to your requests and I wouldn't press the issue. Caring for him is not their responsibility, nor is it yours. He needs care, yes, but you do not have to be it.

The letter may only serve to alienate them further. I would not send it. Find another solution.
Helpful Answer (2)
EmmaSue Oct 2020
Thank you so much for your reply.
I would not send a letter. Trying to guilt them into doing something is not the answer.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
Great answer! I have a feeling it would only cause resentment.
See 1 more reply
I think you have to face reality as hard as it is. You’re burning out and need help. That’s a given. You miss your family. Who wouldn’t? I would too.

Your stepchildren aren’t close to their dad. Who knows why? You don’t have to say. It’s none of my business. The fact remains that they aren’t close.

Forget your preconceived idea about how you feel children should feel or how you were raised to feel.

I am curious though. Have you cared for your parents? It’s a tough job. I did it.

Would I do the hands on care again? Not a chance! Does that mean that I don’t care? Absolutely not. I cared immensely. I cared too much. I put their needs above my own and it nearly killed me and I lost out on time with my husband and kids. Is that what you want for your stepchildren?

There is a valid reason why they don’t want to do it. It’s too hard.

Have you contacted Council on Aging in your area? What about speaking to a social worker to help make a plan for future care? Is he a veteran? Can he collect benefits to help pay for care? Have you considered placement in a facility?

Those options that I listed are your reality. Asking his children is not a realistic approach.

I feel for you. Of course you love him. I would like for you to place yourself in your stepchildren’s shoes. Ask yourself would you be willing to care for him?

I sincerely hope that you find a viable solution soon. Please let us know if you have further concerns. We care.
Helpful Answer (10)
FloridaDD Oct 2020
Great answer.  We don't know what is going on here.  The stepkids may think stepmom married their dad for money, and let her earn it.  They may resent her for replacing their mom.  They may be unreasonable, but whatever their feelings are, I doubt they are going to change.  OP needs to look for respite help elsewhere.  OP should be looking for a group home for her stepson.
See 3 more replies
In all of this time (5 years) the 6 kids who are able have offered NOTHING in terms of help to you? Do they get along with you and with their Dad? Do they visit at all or are they somewhat estranged?
I would not write a letter, but would ask them to meet with you and Dad. I would tell them what you told us about the time spent doing this and your need to have more time with family, and away from caregiving. The spread in ages for you has made ongoing caregiving quite a problem. I don't know if you have considered care placement? I would, were it me, without strong support and help. I would make clear to family that that may be the only option, unless caregiving help can happen some which way. I would say that you are open to suggestions and things to try but that after six months you will have to make decisions. During that six months I would keep a CAREFUL DIARY of what help you get in terms of what kind of help and how many hours.
Then you will have to make your decision for your future. You can explain it to the kids in family conference, or you do not have to. Up to you.
Wishing you good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)

i get wanting the kids help, however the reality is.... he is your spouse. We don’t know what type of dad he was to them growing up. I know who some it shouldn’t matter but it does. My father rejected me totally when he got his new family. He even stopped supporting me when I was a child. He is now I’ll and I don’t give two thoughts to helping when he didn’t care about me. My ex husband did the same to our childrenHe even took our daughters college fund and gave it to his current wife’s daughter for school. So our kids are like well he has a wife let her do the work. Sometimes kids are just selfish. I would look into some day help or maybe you family can assist more.
Helpful Answer (4)

EmmaSue I have to agree with others that an open letter like that may feel cold and impersonal in this situation. You don’t say what your relationship is with his adult children or what his relationship is with them and to a large degree this probably makes a big difference. A couple things stand out to me here though, first with you and your husband being the caregivers and presumably guardians for his developmentally challenged daughter what is the legal set up for her care when your husband is. O longer able to oversee it or passes, do you have any legal standing, do you want it? Do any of her siblings have any legal say or responsibilities for her? If this hasn’t been talked about openly and decided it needs to be and it may very well be one of the obstacles. Imagine the conundrum of being one of her7 siblings knowing that dad, her caregiver, is nearing the end of his ability to do so, some may want to take care of her, some may dread the differing opinions on what that should look like or being handed the responsibility and some may be fearful of how to handle that with you given that she has been living with you for...I don’t know how many years...and they are all putting off opening that can of worms. Not everyone is equipped for caring for physically and or mentally challenged adults no matter how much they love them and especially siblings who have spouses and children of their own to consider and include. The reluctance to become familiar with the care of dad and helping with that may have as much or more to do with the fact that the care for sister comes with that and anyone becoming part of that is probably going to be considered most logical to take over one or both should things with you change.

I also wonder if out of sight out of mind is the easier path of least resistance for them, it’s easy to get engulfed with your own life and forget to pitch in when someone is doing the job and doing it well. It’s also sticky to appear as though you are insinuating yourself when you aren’t sure if the door is open for that and you don’t want to insult the person who is doing the caregiving well. My father has been remarried for 31 years now and it wasn’t until more recently that I have felt “let in” to any of their medical details or caregiving. He is 81 she is 74 and his three children had resolved themselves to not being involved in any decisions and simply hoped that we would even be informed when major medical things happened. Long story short I went out to take care of the dogs while he had knee surgery and found that she was experiencing some major health issues post breast cancer treatment. I ended up staying and taking care of both of them and it was a blessing in disguise because she realized I really cared and I wasn’t as difficult as she imagined, the less I tried to control my dads care or take away her decisions the more she let me take over and began to rely on me. We now have a 100% better relationship than we ever had and I am so very thankful for it. It was communication and perception that was the problem in our situation and it wasn’t until those were tested that we each realized we were wrong about the other.

I guess what I am suggesting is rather than an open letter about what you need from them or want to expect from them maybe facilitating their understanding, letting them in if they want to come in, without expectation is in order. Start communicating with them all with weekly updates or facilitate calls with their dad where they get filled in on on what’s happening. A group text or email chain with updates and discussions. Dads doctor is suggesting x, do any of you have knowledge about it? Here are my thoughts what are yours or just simply they are adding y to his regime. Orchestrate from behind the scenes by suggesting to your husband that discussions including all should take place about daughters future and legalities put in place. Once fears are at ease you may find much more support & apreci
Helpful Answer (1)

There's a probably a lot to unpack here beyond just the need for respite.

How long have you and your husband been married? How did his kids feel about a peer marrying their father? Was your husband up front with his kids when the two of you decided to marry?

I ask these questions because my own grandfather was 77 and married a 45-year-old woman after my grandmother died. She was 10 days older than her elder stepdaughter and 5 1/2 years older than my mother. Neither told my mom or aunt that they were dating, much less that they were getting married. My grandfather called them and said, "Well, I got married last week," and that was it.

Fair or not, my mother didn't take kindly to this at all. After all, her own mother had died only a few years earlier when my mother was only 36 (and was buried on my mother's birthday!), and she only vaguely knew the new wife as a woman who had worked for my grandfather back in the 1940s. Needless to say, she wasn't happy at all. My aunt took it much better and was happy my grandfather had found a companion, and I think she understood that my grandfather had likely married more for convenience than love.

As for the new wife, she was really the only grandmother I knew as I was four when my grandmother died. She was always kind and loving, and she didn't push anyone to treat her as their mother or grandmother, since my cousins are all much older than I am and did remember our biological grandmother (I do not remember her). She was their friend, not their grandmother. Still, when it came to the end of my grandfather's life 13 years later, she was pretty much left to deal with his illnesses on her own because I think it was perceived that that's what she signed up for.

Your stepkids may have the same issues roiling in them as my family had. No one in my family was intentionally unkind to my step-grandmother, but it was an odd relationship, and each person in the family had their very specific relationship with her. My mom perceived her as another bossy older sister, my aunt saw her as a friend, as did one of her kids. The rest of my cousins really had nothing to do with her once my grandfather died, not out of spite, but just because they had no real reason to connect with her.

I helped my step-grandmother clear out her house about six years ago when she was 90. She gave me every single thing that had to do with my grandfather's side of the family and made it clear that she was aligned solely with her side of the family, and not my grandfather's side. She never said anything unkind, but obviously she never felt like she was part of our family. She had no beef with me nor with one of my cousins who was very close to her, but there was no love lost for my mother, and my aunt had already died. I was honored to give the eulogy at her funeral in 2018.

I think the only reason why I had the love I did for her was because I was nine years old when she came into my life, and I didn't have any real knowledge or understanding of the vast age difference between her and my grandfather. I think you're in a very similar situation: Your husband essentially chose between his kids and you, and he chose you. Now the kids are letting you deal with the fallout, OR they don't know that you'd welcome a relationship with them, OR they think you only want a relationship with them to get respite care. Regardless of the reason, you need to have a frank conversation with those people and ask them where they stand and let them know where you stand. It's the only way you'll be able to clear the air.

Sorry this is such a novel, but it just sounded exactly like my family's situation, and it's SO very complicated.
Helpful Answer (8)

"I have given up precious time with my own family and any semblance of life outside my"

What do you mean? You are married. "You're husband is "your" family."

"I would really like the freedom to go visit my children and grandchildren without the responsibility of being a caregiver for my visit."

I am sorry but your husband is your responsibility. It is great that your children visit you.

Why write a letter? Do you not have any contact with his children? (telephone at least)

No, I wouldn't write a letter.

To be honest with you, I would not ask his children to come sit with him. If the children offered, that would be fine if not, oh well.

Sorry, he is your responsibility.
Helpful Answer (3)

I would think a phone call rather than a letter would be a better way to go about this.
Call one and ask..Can you come next week and sit with dad so I can go visit my grandkids. then call the next one, then the next.
If all of them "are busy, have other things to do" it might then be a time for a "family meeting" You could tell them that you are looking in to Assisted Living (or Memory Care if that is needed) so that you can get the help you need and be able to get away for a day or two on occasion.
Caregivers need a break. None of us can do this 24/7/365 and not be effected physically, mentally and emotionally. So you do need and deserve a break. It would be good for them to know that.
In your profile you mention your husband has cancer. Is he on Hospice? If so you can get about 1 week of Respite per year. This is a "perk" that Medicaid does for Hospice patients. If he is not on Hospice you should call. You will get help from Hospice a nurse will come every week, a CNA will come a few times a week and you will get supplies and equipment. Bonus you can also request a Volunteer that will come and sit with him while you get out and get some things done for yourself. (about 4 hours max though)
Helpful Answer (2)
Takincare Oct 2020
Hospice is what I was thinking too! Great suggestion plus added benefit of social worker, nurse visits and as his cancer progresses, pain relief for her husband. I firmly believe that they are God's angels on earth that not only help the patient but also the caregiver.
A conference phone call would be better and more personal. If it's impossible to get everyone on at the same time, then option B is the letter. Just have a plan so you are specific in what you ask them for. Make a list to get things straight in your head before writing, write it, then reread it the next day to make sure you've asked for what you need before sending - and review your tone in the letter.

Explain you'd like to visit your own kids/family for a couple days a month. Make it so they are willing to accommodate. Like, if they all work, request they come on Friday night so you can leave Fri. With a return on Sunday or Monday - whatever will work around their own jobs. Or if possible, take him to their house on your way out of town. Give them options - if they cannot come to stay with him to give you a break, would they consider paying for his 24 hr care so you can get out of the house.

If his finances allow, and you get no offer of help from any of them, use his money to pay for the care and go. Get all the rest you can, when you can. Many people on this site do not have the financial means to pay for this. If you do, use it for what it was intended - his care.

There is quite an age difference between you and hubby. Has that or his marriage to you created problems between him and his children? You probably already know why they don't visit, so if the issue is with you - be prepared for a negative or no response at all.
Helpful Answer (1)

Maybe a Zoom call with all of them at the same time. That way they can all see and hears the responses.

Something to consider is that they don’t know exactly what "taking care of him" involves. Perhaps you could prepare a list of the tasks required, such as meds, meals, dressing, toileting, schedules, etc. Caring for an elderly person can be intimidating and they might be fearful of hurting him.

If it’s just a matter of sitting and keeping him company that’s another matter. I did not have a close relationship with my Dad and found it hard to sit and talk to him. We had little in common to talk about so I always went with a list of topics to discuss.
Helpful Answer (2)

I’m wondering whether to write this, but please ignore it if it upsets you.

There is a difference of 37 years between you and your husband. My experience is that the relationship most often occurs between students who fall in love with their lecturers or professors, who in their fifties are well off, attractive physically, and have high status in the eyes of the student. (When I was ‘looking’, I met (once) a recently retired lecturer who told me that he was only attracted to younger women, and didn’t seem able to cope with the fact that they had all disappeared out of his life. You can imagine how much I sympathised.) There are other situations, but the biology still works like that.

Simple common sense says that the new wife should look ahead and make provision for the future that is almost inevitable, in the absence of sudden death for herself or her husband. A life insurance policy for her husband while he is still young enough to get one, would have been a good idea. Common sense also says that the older children are not going to be happy. Not only them, my sister aged 22 had a SIL who married a man just a bit older than her parents. Her parents were most unhappy, and so were her husband’s friends - I happened then to work for his (rapidly cooling) best friend, who was even suspicious of me because of my own slight relationship with her. And yes, the husband died of cancer quite soon and left her the lot! With no local support and lots of money, she spread her wings and flew a long way away.

There is no perfect way out of this problem. A start would be a good understanding of everyone involved. This is not the ‘normal’ ageing Mom and Dad, or widower Dad, situation, where many children would step up to help. A next step would be to find a better place for your stepson to live. A substantial part of your care responsibilities must be his care and company. When his father dies, do you want to devote the rest of your life to him? If you don’t, the sooner the better that he finds somewhere to live his life as well as possible, while he can still manage to learn to fit in.

A harder step could be to deal with the finances. Have you in fact cut DH’s children out of any expectation of a substantial inheritance? Are you prepared to bargain? Or ‘blackmail’ - unless you can provide some care, he’ll go into a facility and there won’t be anything left anyway? But if you mean it, what will you live on yourself?

You have my sincere sympathy for the situation you are in now. I wish you all the luck you can find in dealing with it. It certainly isn’t easy, in fact it’s very hard indeed!
Helpful Answer (9)

I just read your post from January 2019 that Barb referenced.

It seems to me that your husband is really set in his ways on who (and who not) should be taking care of him. I sort of got the impression that he isn't open to hearing anyone else's opinion on that subject besides his own.

Perhaps the reason his kids don't want to give you respite has more to do with him, and less to do with you? Doesn't change the fact that you need respite - but it might help guide you if you decide to try and have a conversation with them about giving you a break.

If he's as intractable with his kids as it seems he is with you, it' going to be hard to convince them to lend a hand.

If you have the financial means, look into hiring respite care for him either in home or in a facility. You are his wife; not his servant. If anyone, including him, tries to give you grief about where your "place" is, remind yourself (and them) that paid caregiving professionals do not do their job 24/365. Who knows? Maybe if you give his caregiving to a "stranger" for a few days, he'll be more amenable to other willing family members taking care if him every once in a while.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (7)

Hi EmmaSue, your profile says your husband has metastatic prostate cancer. What is his prognosis? What does his doctor say? At 84 y.o., I doubt he has too many years left. Not wishing him dead, but I just want to point out that the light at the end of the tunnel may not be too far away.

As for your question about writing letters to his children, based on what you said: "’s rare we see them; they live locally and Covid isn’t the reason they don’t show up.", I doubt they will come. You can ask, but be prepared to hear "No". One reason for asking is that, later on, when their dad's gone, they can't say you never let them come to visit.
Helpful Answer (6)
ExhaustedPiper Oct 2020
"One reason for asking is that, later on, when their dad's gone, they can't say you never let them come to visit."


Emma, I would send an open email like you were thinking, for the very reason I quoted from Polar above, however I would do it without any expectations, because it's very likely they will not help.

You still need help though, so keep working on hiring some reliable help.

BTW- When your husband eventually passes, are any plans in place for his disabled daughter?
I agree that all caregivers need regular breaks. Personally, I think sending out the letter will cause drama with his children. I would call them instead. However, you are married to him and the adult children most likely see him as your responsibility (mixed in with all kinds of family history, emotions, feelings, thoughts, both real and imagined). Hopefully, they will realize his time is very short and will want to spend time with him.

All being said, you definitely need breaks. Paying for respite care or having someone sit with him a few hours a week might be possible options.
Helpful Answer (3)

I like the idea Frances put forward about hosting a Zoom family meeting. I also would make sure their spouses are involved because if spouses are left out, that will only cause unnecessary drama. With the holidays coming up, I think it's appropriate to ask his children when they can make time to see their dad. If everyone takes a turn, that's 6 days you can go see your children and grandchildren. And asking each of the 6 for *one* day does not seem to me to be too much of an imposition. If it is, well, then at least you know on whom you can count. I agree that a letter will seem impersonal - and they also can ignore you. Although someone also can ignore you on Zoom, it's much harder to be a jerk on video.
Helpful Answer (2)

If they wanted to visit they would have reached out. Do not contact them for that purpose. I would start hiring caregivers if your finances allow. Best of luck to you...
Helpful Answer (8)
polarbear Oct 2020
I tend to agree. Perhaps, you can invite them to come for a short visit. Just say dad wants to see them. If/when they come, you can gauge their willingness to help and decide if you should ask. If they can't be bothered to visit, I doubt they can be bothered to come and help.
See 2 more replies
Wow. First, I am sorry you're worn out. Who wouldn't be?

Your husband fathered 8 children over a 28-year span! I'm not sure to be bewildered or give him a high-five. Anyway, my guess is not all 8 have the same mother, and all siblings did not grow up together as one big happy family. If he was married multiple times, the children get tired of the revolving door of stepmoms and distance themselves. (My husband's father has been married 4 times. Two were only because the women were pregnant. Needless to say we don't get together much.)

It's also hard when he's married someone who is young enough to be their sister. In their eyes, you may be seen as a 'replacement' for them. Unlike the kids who couldn't help being born into the situation, you took him on knowing he'd be elderly, unwell, and die way before you. The "you made your bed, you can lie in it". Your own kids coming over to help is nice of them, but can also be seen as another 'replacement'. Like why would you need them, since you're way younger and your own kids are helping? Not saying it's fair, just an aspect to consider.

For all six local ones to not be around indicates a lot of issues are underneath. And those are not things you will be able to fix.

You certainly could do one mass letter to contact all six and tell them they are welcome to come if they want. Instead of "I need help", offer them the chance to be around their father while they still can. Could offer to step out of the house for awhile when they come by, if that's what they would prefer. After that, it's up to them. You offered, and if they don't accept, it's their decision.
Helpful Answer (9)

My husband is now in his 5th year of lewy body dementia. A couple of years ago when I was starting to feel overloaded I wrote (and sent) a letter to our 3 children asking them if they could visit once a month on a weekend for a few hours. I included copies of his neuro-psyche tests comparing two year-apart tests showing the decline he was experiencing. Naively I thought they would certainly want to help if they only knew how things were really going. Two of them ignored it, the other did come around more often for a month or two, but not one ever mentioned the letter. They apparently aren't coming around simply because they don't want to. It's hard to see dad that way and it's not much fun here. I was sorry I sent it. Asking for help is terribly difficult for me and this experience reinforced it.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
That’s kind of how I see it. It may turn out like your experience, not only a waste of time and energy but it will make her feel worse.

Sorry you are going through this all alone. It’s very hard.
See 1 more reply
Yes! Write a letter and explain that their father would enjoy seeing them and you need extra help. Follow-up with phone calls to schedule their visits. Expect that you will probably need to be there during the first couple of visits - until they are comfortable with the routines and care. Then, you can schedule some "time off." If none of his children want to "sit Dad", ask them to provide finances so you can hire a home health aide to provide this service.
Helpful Answer (3)

I prefer LoopyLoo & PolarBears's suggestions of gentle invitations to visit (without expectations) better.

But those visits will be irregular, if at all. And most probably fall very short of providing the real break you need.

"I am currently trying to secure honest and reliable home care".

Good. Get it. Then get more as you need more.

This will give you regular time off when it suits YOU. Not when it suits the sitter.
Helpful Answer (2)

You deffiently can write a letter to each of the 6 children asking then if they would spend the night once a month but tgat probably won't happen if the have family of their own. But they might each contribute half a day once a month so you can get some needed self time.

You can also hire a 24 hr Caregiver if you can afford it once a week or once a month so you can visit your family.

It won't hurt to ask.
Helpful Answer (0)

A letter sounds like a somewhat weak request for help. A phone call would be more direct. You need to state that you need help caring for their father and ask them to choose between coming in person or sending money to contribute to hiring help. Most of them may refuse or ignore your request, but you would have a clearer idea what you expect from them. Hire in-home health care help to the extent your resources permit.

Consider an Adult Day Care program if there is one in your area appropriate for your husband,'s disability.

You risk getting negative answers from the children, but at least you will know where things stand. That is preferable to hoping and wishing for help and being disappointed not to get any.

that few hours a week?
Helpful Answer (1)

Is one of them closer to the father than the rest? Maybe you could call and ask them to come and more importantly to help herd the others into helping. In our family were lucky to find a caregiver who would work a 12/2 day schedule with my mil. But that left 2 days twice a month that we needed coverage. We got the kids together and planned which weekends they would cover. Two had to fly to come. It was a blessing in disguise because when she passed a few months later everyone had the experience of spending some uninterrupted time with her.
Helpful Answer (0)

You are an amazing and patient woman and I salute you! But you've carried all the responsibilities for too long by yourself for your husband. We caregivers do not survive if we don't have help and you can't compromise your quality of life at your young age by avoiding asking his children to help. By all means, his children need to hear this from you explaining that you need help! It may be a struggle to get a positive response from any of them but you have to try I believe. Maybe one well respond and that would be an enormous help to you. Actually there needs to be a family meeting when all of this is discussed to each and every one together. They could be asked to contribute financially to assist with cost of outside help if the choose not to come. God bless you and I pray that you get the response that you need.
Helpful Answer (0)

If they haven't seen him for a while, maybe a letter or phone call is not enough for them to understand the depth of his disability and the level of constant care he needs. You could try making a video and sharing it with them on social media. Keep a daily journal of all you do for him and share that on social media too. Do the grown kids have kids themselves who are in their 20s or 30s? Maybe when they see your social media posts, they will put some pressure on their parents to be more involved. But in the end, you have to do what's best for you. What would happen if you put him respite care sometimes? If you ever wanted to make a complete break, do you have access to finances? I'm sure you don't want to abandon an elderly spouse and developmentally delayed stepchild--on the other hand, it sure seems like your husband planned well with his own needs in mind, finding a much younger woman to care for the developmentally delayed person and for himself in his old age. But it's too much to expect from one person.
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"His kids are from 35-62 and it’s rare we see them; they live locally and Covid isn’t the reason they don’t show up."

I wouldn't send a letter. It seems pretty clear from this statement that they have little or no interest in their father.

You could try asking them once, either in person or by phone if they would be willing to sit with him for a little while, to give you a break or time to get some errands done, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I have 2 brothers who have done very little to help me with the whole situation. Most of the prep work to get all legal paperwork updated, set up everything, to get her to MC was done by me. The only thing I refused to do was the actual move (she was ADAMANT she wasn't going to move anywhere!) Then came the clear/clean/repair and sale of the condo. Three guesses who did most of the work, and the first 2 don't count! Helping her before the move, settling the condo and continuing to advocate for her, handle her finances, supplies and visits have sucked down 6+ years of my life. So much for retirement - the only thing good about being retired is that I'm not killing myself trying to work and do all the rest of this! The condo took almost 2 years alone!

Asking for their help, or even just understanding is a joke. One is a year older, the other 10 years younger.

Your best bet is to take time to check on resources available. Was he a veteran? He might qualify for some benefits. Medicare does provide very limited assistance, if he needs help with bathing, etc., and apparently offers one week/year respite care (anything is better than nothing!) Depending on income, might he qualify for Medicaid, as they also offer limited in-home care. If he is mobile enough, what about day-care services?

If none of these resources are available and you have enough income, I would hire from an agency. Several days/week, to give you a break and/or provide the bathing, etc. that WILL become more difficult over time. They do offer overnight care as well. Daytime vs evening and overnight costs are different, as are weekends and holidays, but whatever the cost, it would be worth it. No need to guilt trip anyone and you get peace of mind that he's cared for and you get a break! You also can schedule these outings when YOU want them, not when they *might* begrudgingly help. I would bring these aides in and be there some of the time, so you get to know them and are confident in them before doing more than quick errands. Not all hired help are equal - same as in any work environment, there are good ones, great ones and not so good ones!

Make sure you let your kids know how MUCH you appreciate the things they do for you! Perhaps you can hire someone to be there on the days they come to help. Let the aide care for him and you DOTE on your family - nice meal, etc.

You also mention a developmentally disabled child of his living with you. Do you get services/help for that child? If not, why not? If the child isn't capable of caring for him/herself and can't work, they should be on SS and there should be ways to get help. If the "child" is ADL capable, then it would mean just getting someone to watch him/her when you go out or go to visit family. I wouldn't ask one aide to care for both.

Last thought - don't waste time and energy being angry if they don't want to help. It only affects you, not them. Use that time and energy to make things better for yourself!
Helpful Answer (5)
NobodyGetsIt Oct 2020
"disgustedtoo," - Very thorough and informative post!
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