
I filed for the aid and attendance, widows, pension last Oct. For my mother. My dad served during WW2 and met all criteria. I met with the local DAV to be sure all paperwork was in order before sending in the packet. My mom is in poor health and blind in both eyes, home bound. We currently have a caregiver in home for her, who comes daily for 3.5 hours. The cost of care far exceeds her income, which is only soc sec. Her net worth falls way below the limit, even with the new guidelines. They were working ppl, no major savings, small home whise value was depleted by our county to under 50k. I received confirmation of receipt with her case number. The DAV told me to not include the form aloiwing me to communicate on her behalf as it could cause the VA to send someone out to check competence and hold things up. So we should be "fast track". With all this said, when I try to utilize the deers system, it says it recognizes the file but the info is not all the same and to call. I cannot call, so how can I ck status, what info may I be entering into deers wrong. Does it want my dads ss number, whose name, etc? My moms savings will be depleted soon and she will be forced into a home under medicaid. This is wrong on every count. I attached a letter of financial need with the application. What now? What?

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I applied for my mom Jan.2014. I went to the local VA office and they helped me. You have to have something from doctor about her health. It took a year before she ever got anything. She was approved in Jan.2014 didn't get it until Feb.this year. I kept calling but the only one that helped was the local VA. She said if I hadn't kept calling it could have been held up forever. They called Philadelphia to see what was going on.
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I had all that information in the packet. All the proper forms were in there, all documentation regarding her health from her doctors and supporting documents. What I sent to them was about two inches thick. The lady that I met with at the DAV was, uh, helpful but I knew more about the thing than she did. When she looked at the file and saw that mom had 10k in the bank she said, "there is no way you can get a pension with that kind of money in the bank" She just had no idea. I went over net worth and all that jazz with her. Some of the ppl workind for the VA have no idea what they are talking about. One man said "you have to be almost indigent to get the pension" and that just is not true. You cannot be loaded, your net worth has to be in a guideline and you have to meet expenditures, but she was well within those limits. And the sad thing is that if you only are getting 1200 ss a month and are spending 1400 a month on care, that 10k is gone fast. So frustrating. Why is the DEERs system nor working for updates and why is Bob, as he preferred to be called according to 20/20, not on this issue?
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I am so sorry you are having such difficulty. I hope you can get things worked out.
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