
I’ve noticed in the past week that my Mom, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s four years ago, can no longer put a sentence together, and she can’t understand she needs water to take her medicine. Is this normal?

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The question is, is this normal and the answer is yes. Things can happen literally over night. But, I would have her checked for a UTI to rule that out as the cause. UTIs mimic Dementia symtoms.
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Any sudden changes need to be reported to her doc. It could be she has a UTI.
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She may have UTI but that's not what's causing these new issues. Having EOAD, loss of word recall, putting a sentence together and forgetting familiar tasks (taking her meds) are all normal progressions of the disease. You may also notice difficulty with hand-eye coordination or a decline in spatial and visual perceptions. These are all normal progressions.
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