
If me and my wife report abuse we will loose our jobs and be broke and homeless. We have been put in a spot where we have spent all our savings to make this move into the home where we care for the father of the person we suspect is abusing our client.

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That's a challenging moral dilemma.

I'm curious as to what is making you suspect abuse. If you are just suspecting it at this time is there a way you can know for sure before you find yourselves out of a job?

If you're pretty sure this person is being abused you have a duty to report it. It would be immoral to let it go on although I understand your situation. I have to believe that if you do the right thing and report the abuse something will come along for the two of you and you'd be OK. Call it karma or call it God. If you place yourselves in jeopardy in order to protect this vulnerable person I like to think that good things will come your way.

But before you go blowing everything up make sure you're not mistaken first.
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You do have a challenging (potential) conflict, but I think you can use it as a time to look closely at your life style and plan some changes so that you're not reliant on someone else for a place to live.

Start researching to find out what assistance you can get, if you can get into subsidized housing, get training for work that will pay you a decent wage. In other words, plan for your lives w/o being dependent on living in someone else's home.

And as Eyerish states, be very careful about making accusations of abuse. What are the signs? How did you determine this might be happening? If you're living there and the son visits his father, it should be obvious if there's abuse or not, unless it's financial abuse.
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I don't really understand how moving into this gentleman's home to care for him can have cost you and your wife your savings. What did you have to pay for?
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