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PT can make a world of difference, but there also does come a time when strength can't be recovered.
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jethro - have you talked to her doctor? That's where you should start.
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Oh my, This is a bottomless rabbit hole you probably want to be careful jumping into.

first, because at a certain advanced age there up probably isn’t much you can do

second, because with some diagnosis there isn’t much to be done

and with all that considered, you might end up like me...still in therapy because I still feel guilty about maybe I didn’t do enough, maybe I did too much, maybe I wasn’t the right kind of help and didn’t call in the right specialists...or maybe I should have insisted more that the professionals do more.

you see the hole I mean?

do what seems to you to the be right thing, and do not obsessively seek more medical interventions. Sometime the elderly just wear out and it is a natural progression.
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Good questions for her doctors or care team. Does Grandmother live with you? What is she able to do currently? Need a few more details to be able to answer. How old is your Grandmother? What are her goals? What are your own goals for her and for yourself? Who cares for Grandmother? Does she live with you?
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Your profile says your not a Caregiver but care for Grandma whonhas a Dementia.

Do you mean by not being a Caregiver you aren't doing the hands on like bathing, toileting or dressing? Is she in her home, living with u or in a NH? How old is she?

Dementia does not get better. It worsens as time goes on. As Grandma enters a new stage part of her brain dies. There is no stopping it in its tracks or curing it. Because the brain controls the body, people lose abilities when that part of the brain dies. Grandma may never be "strong" again. Therapy helps keep the muscles from atrophying but may not help with strength.
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