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Abby2018 What do you mean by penalized?
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Abby2018 Mar 2019
When gifting becomes part of the lookback, the patient is then penalized the dollar amount against time that would be spent in long term care. This can amount to years.
I wonder this as well. Hope someone comes by with an answer.
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I think she means when there has been gifting and Medicaid imposes a penalty of X number of months that they will not pay for care.

The only remedy that I've seen mentioned is getting the person the money was gifted to to pay it back; often not possible.
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Abby2018 Mar 2019
Thanks Barb....but then what? If gifts can’t be recovered does the family then become responsible at the risk of bankruptcy?
I don't know. We need Igloo's or Gabriel Heiser's expertise.
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Read the various articles he's written here and get his book from the library. Are you able to consult a certified Eldercare attorney?
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Abby2018 It all depends...Who? was gifted to? Why? it was gifted? Who? Made the gift? Where? Did were the gift funds spent?
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